NHL Mega-Mock Draft Reboot - Discussion / Draft Thread – SUPER F***ING AMAZING PHASE TWENTY-FIVE!

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Captain Dave Poulin

Imaginary Cat
Apr 30, 2015
Tokyo, JP
Welcome to The Flyers Board NHL Mega-Mock Draft Reboot, SUPER F***ING AMAZING PHASE TWENTY-FIVE!



First of all, we are thinking of Strawberry Fields and sending him all of our thoughts and prayers. Hopefully everything is OK and turns out well.

This is a historic moment in the history of drafting shit. To the best of my knowledge, no other group of losers in the history of drafting shit has ever drafted enough shit to reach 25 complete phases. And believe me, I’ve checked. So we have a lot to be proud of, to go with everything we have to be ashamed of. I’d like to send a special shout-out to the Philadelphia Flyers for being so utterly, relentlessly shit that it has left us with no choice but to find some kind of escape.

Somehow, thanks mostly to good suggestions from the members (phrasing) of the Quackverse Ultra Exploration and Settlement Team (Q.U.E.S.T.), we have 12 great categories to plunge through. Seriously, it is incredibly difficult to believe that there is anything left to get excited about after 24 of these, but we have them. And there is more out there – we just have to find it.

I chose to hold off on the new players from the entry draft. I wanted to give Starberry a chance to have a shot at them all, because I think he will care about it.


  • Team BBQ Food Item – This is not something where we have to worry about things which have been picked before – just pick something which is typically barbecued or slathered in barbecue sauce, or whatever. I think we have a lot of grillers in here, so if you want to see this as “barbecued or grilled food,” that should be fine. Be specific – if your defective ass picks “Barbecued Meat,” you will be the one getting sliced.

  • Team Century/Country – Pick any century past, present or future and the country or area during which that century occurred or is occurring or will occur. This could be the setting for your civilization, or part of your civilization, or something like that. It doesn’t mean that your technology will be limited to that time and place – this is more about the appearance and vibe of the time and place. Again, don’t worry about picking something that has been picked before – as this is about styling, that time and place will be used as a model and not “taken,” if you see what I mean. A century OR place can be taken more than once, but the combination can only be taken once.

  • Team Decade/Country – This is exactly the same, but for a decade instead of a century. Your decade and place don’t have to match the century and country you choose with the other category – we are basically taking two things on which to base our style and vibe. Just work through how you want your shit to look and feel.

  • Team Detective – You can’t pick someone who was explicitly chosen for something before. For example, Sherlock Holmes was chosen by the Plats as a shoe, i.e. as a “gumshoe,” and Batman was chosen by the Chimps as “cartoon character,” so they are off-limits. Don’t pick detectives which have appeared in TV shows, movies or books which have already been taken. That makes this a CATEGORY FOUR category, so it’s pretty f***ing strict, innit. There are about a billion detectives out there, so don’t whine about it.

  • Team Energy Drink – You must pick a specific brand AND flavor/color of energy drink. We do not want another Dorito’s situation and will not stand for one.

  • Team Neighbor – This is someone who will live next to your residence in your civilization. You can see this as “allowing easy access” to someone, or “someone who can keep their eyes on my perimeter,” or whatever you want, as long as the person has not been explicitly picked before.

  • Team Pet – We have a “Dog/Cat Breed,” and this doesn’t have to match that, nor do you have to think of this as the ONLY pet you will have – this is just a chance to pick a specific pet that you will bring with you and have nearby all the time, at least at home. It can be real or fictional, but it should NOT be a human. I am going to be doing a lot of heavy petting with women out there – it’s one of the biggest reasons I am going – and I am sure Young Sandwich will fondle everything in sight, but this one is meant to be an “animal” of some kind.

  • Team President of Hockey Ops – Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to choose a terrible f***head to be your team’s President of Hockey Ops. Think of Keith Jones and choose accordingly. This is essentially a spite category by another name, and while we will not necessarily torture these f***ers, they will serve as reminders out there in the great unknown of how horribly awry everything can go when you fall into the trap of broad organizational nepotism and clusterf***headedness. Don’t pick someone who has been chosen before, even if you are the one that chose them – this should be someone new. It can be someone real or fictional.

  • Team Robot – Your robot can come from anywhere as long as they haven’t explicitly been chosen for something before. That means that “Star Wars” and other sci fi things are fair game. There’s just no way we could do it otherwise, and this is too great a category to pass up.

  • Team Video Game Boss – This can be a final boss, or intermediary boss, or first-level boss. Don’t worry if the game in which the boss appears has been chosen before – it is open and fair game. Think of the boss as someone you set up as a trap when your enemies attack, or someone you send out to make hits on your enemies, or someone you put in a cage and throw rotten vegetable at – whatever you want.

  • Team Video Game System – You have to choose a specific iteration of the system, so rather than “Playstation,” choose “Playstation 5,” unless there is only a single iteration of the given system. I think there are enough to go around. If you get bummed about having to choose an older one, just think of the scientists in your team and how they will be able to develop new games for the system, so you won’t be stuck with only the games that have already come out.

  • Team WW2 Plane – This is any plane which appeared and took part in WW2. I chose the Spitfire for my attack vehicle, but I think that was the only one which has been taken. I have been saving this category for this phase, because I love it and think it rules.


Remember: “Chaos” is not the same thing as “Havoc.” Engage in the former, not the latter. We have a whole ton of stuff left over for future phases, so don’t worry if categories you wanted aren’t in here - I will champion them later with the boss.

For the first round, we will give everyone 12 hours to get revved up again - for all the succeeding rounds, it will be six hours. The daily clock starts at 8 a.m. and ends at 10 p.m., all times Eastern. This is a MONGOOSE DRAFT, which is the same functionally as a snake draft, but isn’t named after the turboc*** of the animal world.

Don't forget to tag the next person in your pick post AND send a PM.


BigToe - Stockholm Simps
Lord Defect - St. Paul Stay Pufts
GKJ - Philadelphia Villains
Rebels57 - Portland Fog
mja - New Jersey Flaming Zeppelins
Hollywood Cannon - Las Vegas Desert Ducks
Magua - Honolulu Ghibli
BernieParent - Halifax Galleons
Young Sandwich - Montreal Sexpos
BiggE - Jacksonville Methgators
Captain Dave Poulin - Quebec Lapins
Asnito - Tijuana Toads
ajgoal - Los Angeles Whalers
pit - Chicago Chimpanzees
DancingPanther - Providence Platypi
CanadianFlyer88 - Seattle Sockeyes
Striiker - Allentown Attack
Beef Invictus - D.C. Mutineers
JojoTheWhale - New York M.A.D. Cats
Chuck Downie - Les Comiques de Saint-Louis-du-Ha!Ha!
Strawberry Fields - Vancouver Beavers




[TD]Allentown Attack[/TD]
[TD]New Jersey Flaming Zeppelins[/TD]
[TD]Chicago Chimpanzees[/TD]
[TD]Las Vegas Desert Ducks[/TD]
[TD]D.C. Mutineers[/TD]
[TD]Seattle Sockeyes[/TD]
[TD]Honolulu Ghibli[/TD]
[TD]Jacksonville Methgators[/TD]
[TD]Jacksonville Methgators[/TD]
[TD]Tampa Bay Firesticks[/TD]
[TD]Las Vegas Desert Ducks[/TD]
[TD]Providence Platypi[/TD]
[TD]Les Comiques de Saint-Louis-du-Ha!Ha![/TD]
[TD]Quebec Lapins[/TD]
[TD]Los Angeles Whalers[/TD]
[TD]New York M.A.D. Cats[/TD]
[TD]Montreal Sexpos[/TD]
[TD]Quebec Lapins[/TD]
[TD]New Jersey Flaming Zeppelins[/TD]
[TD]Allentown Attack[/TD]
[TD]New York M.A.D. Cats[/TD]
[TD]Montreal Sexpos[/TD]
[TD]Philadelphia Villains[/TD]
[TD]New York M.A.D. Cats[/TD]
[TD]Portland Fog[/TD]
[TD]St. Paul Stay Pufts[/TD]
[TD]Providence Platypi[/TD]
[TD]Las Vegas Desert Ducks[/TD]
[TD]Quebec Lapins[/TD]
[TD]Montreal Sexpos[/TD]
[TD]Seattle Sockeyes[/TD]
[TD]Vancouver Beavers[/TD]
[TD]St. Paul Stay Pufts[/TD]
[TD]Tijuana Toads[/TD]
[TD]Tampa Bay Firesticks[/TD]
[TD]Jacksonville Methgators[/TD]
[TD]Tijuana Toads[/TD]
[TD]St. Paul Stay Pufts[/TD]
[TD]Vancouver Beavers[/TD]
[TD]Seattle Sockeyes[/TD]
[TD]Virginia Beach Surge[/TD]
[TD]St. Paul Stay Pufts[/TD]





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Round One

  • BigToe - Xbox 360
  • Lord Defect - Boeing B-29 Superfortress Bomber
  • GKJ - P-51D Mustang
  • Rebels57 - Brisket
  • mja - Johnny 5
  • Hollywood Cannon - Benoit Blanc
  • Magua - Geoff Peterson
  • BernieParent - Hercule Poirot
  • Young Sandwich - Beef Ribs
  • BiggE - Mitsubishi A6M Zero
  • Captain Dave Poulin - Vought F4U Corsair
  • Asnito - Lockheed P-38 Lightning
  • ajgoal - B-25 Mitchell
  • pit - Corn on the Cob
  • DancingPanther - PS5
  • CanadianFlyer88 - Nintendo 64
  • Striiker - Xbox Series X
  • Beef Invictus - Smoked Salmon
  • JojoTheWhale - Baby Back Ribs
  • Chuck Downie - Twiki
  • Strawberry Fields - Pulled Pork

Round Two

  • Strawberry Fields - 19th Century USA
  • Chuck Downie - Hell
  • JojoTheWhale - 24th Century, United Federation of Planets
  • Beef Invictus - William of Baskerville
  • Striiker - Smoked Jalapeno Cheddar Sausage
  • CanadianFlyer88 - Bender
  • DancingPanther - Bikini Bottom, 4010s
  • pit - Nintendo Entertainment System
  • ajgoal - Home-Built Gaming PC
  • Asnito - Suckling Pig
  • Captain Dave Poulin - 1920s, Shanghai
  • BiggE - Vince McMahon
  • Young Sandwich - Sega Genesis
  • BernieParent - Meta Quest Pro VR System
  • Magua - PlayStation 2
  • Hollywood Cannon - Playstation
  • mja - Burnt Ends
  • Rebels57 - Nintendo Switch
  • GKJ - Super Nintendo
  • Lord Defect - Robot Dance
  • BigToe - Stuka

Round Three

  • BigToe - Goddard
  • Lord Defect - John Constantine
  • GKJ - Cheeseburgers
  • Rebels57 - Sephiroth
  • mja - Atari 2600
  • Hollywood Cannon - Bawls
  • Magua - Grilled Swordfish Steak
  • BernieParent - De Havilland Mosquito
  • Young Sandwich - Four Loko
  • BiggE - Card Table
  • Captain Dave Poulin - Intellivision
  • Asnito - Monster Ultra Zero
  • ajgoal - Adrian Monk
  • pit - DCI John Luther
  • DancingPanther - Natural Casing Hot Dogs
  • CanadianFlyer88 - Harry Bosch
  • Striiker - Amp Energy Green
  • Beef Invictus - Marvin
  • JojoTheWhale - Hedonismbot
  • Chuck Downie - Vultee Vengeance
  • Strawberry Fields - 1950s, USA

Round Four

  • Strawberry Fields - Ned Flanders
  • Chuck Downie - Dark Link
  • JojoTheWhale - Booty Sweat
  • Beef Invictus - Bob Vila
  • Striiker - 2100's USA
  • CanadianFlyer88 - All Sport Lemon/Lime
  • DancingPanther - Brutus
  • pit - Aggretsuko Liquid Rage
  • ajgoal - The Iron Giant
  • Asnito - Sweet Tooth
  • Captain Dave Poulin - 17th Century, Japan
  • BiggE - Beer
  • Young Sandwich - Grumman F6F Hellcat
  • BernieParent - Vision
  • Magua - Brawndo
  • Hollywood Cannon - A.W.E.S.O.M - O 4000
  • mja - Jolt Cola
  • Rebels57 - Ava (Ex Machina)
  • GKJ - Vitamin Water Kiwi-Strawberry
  • Lord Defect - Homer Murray
  • BigToe - Jose Mourinho

Round Five

  • BigToe - The Grinch
  • Lord Defect - Venom Energy Cherry
  • GKJ - George Feeny
  • Rebels57 - Rustin Cohle
  • mja - Shigeru Miyamoto
  • Hollywood Cannon - United States, 1990s
  • Magua - GLaDOS
  • BernieParent - Turkey
  • Young Sandwich - The Girl Next Door
  • BiggE - Roomba
  • Captain Dave Poulin - Grilled Salmon
  • Asnito - Red Panda
  • ajgoal - Jägermeister and Red Bull
  • pit - Data
  • DancingPanther - Codsworth
  • CanadianFlyer88 - Mr. Dream
  • Striiker - Detective Mills
  • Beef Invictus - Sega Nomad
  • JojoTheWhale - Heinkel He 113
  • Chuck Downie - Turbo Grafx 16
  • Strawberry Fields - Perry the Platypus

Round Six

  • Strawberry Fields - "Hell Valley" Biff Tannen
  • Chuck Downie - Drunken Chicken
  • JojoTheWhale - Detective (Disco Elysium)
  • Beef Invictus - US, 1900-1910
  • Striiker - SBD Dauntless
  • CanadianFlyer88 - Beef Souvlaki Kebabs
  • DancingPanther - Colombo
  • pit - Dragon
  • ajgoal - Tea Smoked Duck
  • Asnito -
  • Captain Dave Poulin - Rikki Tikki Tavi
  • BiggE - Death Wish Coffee
  • Young Sandwich - Dug
  • BernieParent - Israel, 1st Century AD
  • Magua - Vought V-173 "Flying Pancake"
  • Hollywood Cannon - Grilled Filet Mignon
  • mja - Marge Gunderson
  • Rebels57 - Kaley Cuoco
  • GKJ - Veronica Mars
  • Lord Defect - LambPigCow
  • BigToe - Holland March

Round Seven

  • BigToe - Cheetah
  • Lord Defect - Courage the Cowardly Dog
  • GKJ - UK, 1990s
  • Rebels57 - Falcor
  • mja - The Roaring Twenties, USA
  • Hollywood Cannon - Scooby Doo
  • Magua - Bigby Wolf
  • BernieParent - Jeffrey Loria
  • Young Sandwich - Olivia Dunham
  • BiggE - Kelly Garrett
  • Captain Dave Poulin - Kelsey Asbille
  • Asnito - Mr. Roboto
  • ajgoal - Akuma
  • pit - Ganon
  • DancingPanther - Genie
  • CanadianFlyer88 - Babou
  • Striiker - Optimus Prime
  • Beef Invictus - The Sixth Colossus
  • JojoTheWhale - Steam Deck
  • Chuck Downie - Puddy
  • Strawberry Fields - Carl (Meet the Robinsons)

Round Eight

  • Strawberry Fields - Game Boy Advance SP
  • Chuck Downie - Demogorgon
  • JojoTheWhale - Mrs. Whale
  • Beef Invictus - Joi
  • Striiker - Red
  • CanadianFlyer88 - Elizabeth Jennings
  • DancingPanther - WD
  • pit - Focke-Wulf FW-190
  • ajgoal - Germany, 2000s
  • Asnito - David Quinn
  • Captain Dave Poulin - WAC-47
  • BiggE - Dude Love
  • Young Sandwich - Maeve Millay
  • BernieParent - Lilith
  • Magua - Chloe
  • Hollywood Cannon - Messerschmitt Bf109
  • mja - 20th Century Finland
  • Rebels57 - Monster Ultra Golden Pineapple
  • GKJ - Deep Thought
  • Lord Defect - Parents
  • BigToe - Scarab

Round Nine

  • BigToe - Jerk Chicken
  • Lord Defect - Video Gambling Machines
  • GKJ - Ghost (Direwolf)
  • Rebels57 - Savoia-Marchetti SM.79
  • mja - Jerry Garcia
  • Hollywood Cannon - Paul Bissonnette
  • Magua - John Buccigross
  • BernieParent - England, 1960s
  • Young Sandwich - Sigrun
  • BiggE - Syrinx, 2110s
  • Captain Dave Poulin - Charlotte Ritter
  • Asnito - Vectrex
  • ajgoal - Sonja
  • pit - Herschel Walker
  • DancingPanther - 15th century, Florence
  • CanadianFlyer88 - Vultee XP-54
  • Striiker - US, 00s
  • Beef Invictus - 21st Century, Sweden
  • JojoTheWhale - Dave Starman
  • Chuck Downie - Detective Scrotes
  • Strawberry Fields - Orange Gatorade

Round Ten

  • Strawberry Fields - Martin B-26 Marauder
  • Chuck Downie - 1800’s, Neutral Moresnet
  • JojoTheWhale - 1950s Tangier
  • Beef Invictus - Brad Cornelsen
  • Striiker - Bailey
  • CanadianFlyer88 - 21st Century Belgium
  • DancingPanther - Nuka Bombdrop
  • pit - Mike Holmes
  • ajgoal - French Polynesia, 20th Century
  • Asnito -
  • Captain Dave Poulin - Powerade Zero Purple
  • BiggE - Timothy Leary
  • Young Sandwich - Craig Button
  • BernieParent - Magic Potion of Panoramix
  • Magua - 1990s Hong Kong
  • Hollywood Cannon - Dubai (UAE), 21st century
  • mja - Hawker Hurricane
  • Rebels57 - 21st Century Japan
  • GKJ - Canada, 2200s
  • Lord Defect - 2010s, Los Angeles
  • BigToe - Juggernog

Round Eleven

  • BigToe - US 1970s
  • Lord Defect - Wilson
  • GKJ - Dr. Robotnik
  • Rebels57 - Ted Sarandos
  • mja - Pet Rock
  • Hollywood Cannon - Lu Bu
  • Magua - Mrs. Chan
  • BernieParent - Good Samaritan
  • Young Sandwich - 2000s, New Zealand
  • BiggE - 25th Century, Mars
  • Captain Dave Poulin - Moon Lord
  • Asnito -
  • ajgoal - Roy Underhill
  • pit - 15th Century, North America
  • DancingPanther - The Mistel
  • CanadianFlyer88 - 2020s, Atlantis
  • Striiker - Edin Terzic
  • Beef Invictus - Posca
  • JojoTheWhale - Boo
  • Chuck Downie - Mr. Furley
  • Strawberry Fields - Bowser

Round Twelve

  • Strawberry Fields - Eddie Valiant
  • Chuck Downie - 1880s, England
  • JojoTheWhale - Chef Saltbaker
  • Beef Invictus - P-80 Shooting Star
  • Striiker - Squidward Tentacles
  • CanadianFlyer88 - Doug MacLean
  • DancingPanther - Flowey
  • pit - 1980s, USA
  • ajgoal - Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski
  • Asnito -
  • Captain Dave Poulin - Wilson (the volleyball)
  • BiggE - Ozzy
  • Young Sandwich - 2000s BC, Minoan Crete
  • BernieParent - Pogo
  • Magua - 24½th Century, Planet X
  • Hollywood Cannon - Mr. Mertle
  • mja - Mr. Robinson
  • Rebels57 - 1780-1790, America
  • GKJ - Tony Khan
  • Lord Defect - 86th Century, Moronica
  • BigToe - 8400s, US

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BigToe - Stockholm Simps

[TD]BBQ Food[/TD]
[TD]Jerk Chicken[/TD]
[TD]8400s, US[/TD]
[TD]US 1970s[/TD]
[TD]Holland March[/TD]
[TD]Energy Drink[/TD]
[TD]The Grinch[/TD]
[TD]President of Hockey Ops[/TD]
[TD]Jose Mourinho[/TD]
[TD]Video Game Boss[/TD]
[TD]Video Game System[/TD]
[TD]Xbox 360[/TD]
[TD]WW2 Plane[/TD]

Lord Defect - St. Paul Stay Pufts

[TD]BBQ Food[/TD]
[TD]86th Century, Moronica[/TD]
[TD]2010s, Los Angeles[/TD]
[TD]John Constantine[/TD]
[TD]Energy Drink[/TD]
[TD]Venom Energy Cherry[/TD]
[TD]Courage the Cowardly Dog[/TD]
[TD]President of Hockey Ops[/TD]
[TD]Homer Murray[/TD]
[TD]Robot Dance[/TD]
[TD]Video Game Boss[/TD]
[TD]Video Game System[/TD]
[TD]Video Gambling Machines[/TD]
[TD]WW2 Plane[/TD]
[TD]Boeing B-29 Superfortress Bomber[/TD]

GKJ - Philadelphia Villains

[TD]BBQ Food[/TD]
[TD]Canada, 2200s[/TD]
[TD]UK, 1990s[/TD]
[TD]Veronica Mars[/TD]
[TD]Energy Drink[/TD]
[TD]Vitamin Water Kiwi-Strawberry[/TD]
[TD]George Feeny[/TD]
[TD]Ghost (Direwolf)[/TD]
[TD]President of Hockey Ops[/TD]
[TD]Tony Khan[/TD]
[TD]Deep Thought[/TD]
[TD]Video Game Boss[/TD]
[TD]Dr. Robotnik[/TD]
[TD]Video Game System[/TD]
[TD]Super Nintendo[/TD]
[TD]WW2 Plane[/TD]
[TD]P-51D Mustang[/TD]

Rebels57 - Portland Fog

[TD]BBQ Food[/TD]
[TD]21st Century Japan[/TD]
[TD]1780-1790, America[/TD]
[TD]Rustin Cohle[/TD]
[TD]Energy Drink[/TD]
[TD]Monster Ultra Golden Pineapple[/TD]
[TD]Kaley Cuoco[/TD]
[TD]President of Hockey Ops[/TD]
[TD]Ted Sarandos[/TD]
[TD]Ava (Ex Machina)[/TD]
[TD]Video Game Boss[/TD]
[TD]Video Game System[/TD]
[TD]Nintendo Switch[/TD]
[TD]WW2 Plane[/TD]
[TD]Savoia-Marchetti SM.79[/TD]

mja - New Jersey Flaming Zeppelins

[TD]BBQ Food[/TD]
[TD]Burnt Ends[/TD]
[TD]20th Century Finland[/TD]
[TD]The Roaring Twenties, USA[/TD]
[TD]Marge Gunderson[/TD]
[TD]Energy Drink[/TD]
[TD]Jolt Cola[/TD]
[TD]Mr. Robinson[/TD]
[TD]Pet Rock[/TD]
[TD]President of Hockey Ops[/TD]
[TD]Jerry Garcia[/TD]
[TD]Johnny 5[/TD]
[TD]Video Game Boss[/TD]
[TD]Shigeru Miyamoto[/TD]
[TD]Video Game System[/TD]
[TD]Atari 2600[/TD]
[TD]WW2 Plane[/TD]
[TD]Hawker Hurricane[/TD]

Hollywood Cannon - Las Vegas Desert Ducks

[TD]BBQ Food[/TD]
[TD]Grilled Filet Mignon[/TD]
[TD]Dubai (UAE), 21st century[/TD]
[TD]United States, 1990s[/TD]
[TD]Benoit Blanc[/TD]
[TD]Energy Drink[/TD]
[TD]Mr. Mertle[/TD]
[TD]Scooby Doo[/TD]
[TD]President of Hockey Ops[/TD]
[TD]Paul Bissonnette[/TD]
[TD]A.W.E.S.O.M - O 4000[/TD]
[TD]Video Game Boss[/TD]
[TD]Lu Bu[/TD]
[TD]Video Game System[/TD]
[TD]WW2 Plane[/TD]
[TD]Messerschmitt Bf109[/TD]

Magua - Honolulu Ghibli

[TD]BBQ Food[/TD]
[TD]Grilled Swordfish Steak[/TD]
[TD]24½th Century, Planet X[/TD]
[TD]1990s Hong Kong[/TD]
[TD]Bigby Wolf[/TD]
[TD]Energy Drink[/TD]
[TD]Mrs. Chan[/TD]
[TD]President of Hockey Ops[/TD]
[TD]John Buccigross[/TD]
[TD]Geoff Peterson[/TD]
[TD]Video Game Boss[/TD]
[TD]Video Game System[/TD]
[TD]Playstation 2[/TD]
[TD]WW2 Plane[/TD]
[TD]Vought V-173 "Flying Pancake"[/TD]

BernieParent - Halifax Galleons

[TD]BBQ Food[/TD]
[TD]Israel, 1st Century AD[/TD]
[TD]England, 1960s[/TD]
[TD]Hercule Poirot[/TD]
[TD]Energy Drink[/TD]
[TD]Magic Potion of Panoramix[/TD]
[TD]Good Samaritan[/TD]
[TD]President of Hockey Ops[/TD]
[TD]Jeffrey Loria[/TD]
[TD]Video Game Boss[/TD]
[TD]Video Game System[/TD]
[TD]Meta Quest Pro VR System[/TD]
[TD]WW2 Plane[/TD]
[TD]De Havilland Mosquito[/TD]

Young Sandwich - Montreal Sexpos

[TD]BBQ Food[/TD]
[TD]Beef Ribs[/TD]
[TD]2000s BC, Minoan Crete[/TD]
[TD]2000s, New Zealand[/TD]
[TD]Olivia Dunham[/TD]
[TD]Energy Drink[/TD]
[TD]Four Loko[/TD]
[TD]The Girl Next Door[/TD]
[TD]President of Hockey Ops[/TD]
[TD]Craig Button[/TD]
[TD]Maeve Millay[/TD]
[TD]Video Game Boss[/TD]
[TD]Video Game System[/TD]
[TD]Sega Genesis[/TD]
[TD]WW2 Plane[/TD]
[TD]Grumman F6F Hellcat[/TD]

BiggE - Jacksonville Methgators

[TD]BBQ Food[/TD]
[TD]25th Century, Mars[/TD]
[TD]Syrinx, 2110s[/TD]
[TD]Kelly Garrett[/TD]
[TD]Energy Drink[/TD]
[TD]Death Wish Coffee[/TD]
[TD]Timothy Leary[/TD]
[TD]President of Hockey Ops[/TD]
[TD]Dude Love[/TD]
[TD]Video Game Boss[/TD]
[TD]Vince McMahon[/TD]
[TD]Video Game System[/TD]
[TD]Card Table[/TD]
[TD]WW2 Plane[/TD]
[TD]Mitsubishi A6M Zero[/TD]

Captain Dave Poulin - Quebec Lapins

[TD]BBQ Food[/TD]
[TD]Grilled Salmon[/TD]
[TD]17th Century, Japan[/TD]
[TD]1920s, Shanghai[/TD]
[TD]Charlotte Ritter[/TD]
[TD]Energy Drink[/TD]
[TD]Powerade Zero Purple[/TD]
[TD]Kelsey Asbille[/TD]
[TD]Rikki Tikki Tavi[/TD]
[TD]President of Hockey Ops[/TD]
[TD]Wilson (the volleyball)[/TD]
[TD]Video Game Boss[/TD]
[TD]Moon Lord[/TD]
[TD]Video Game System[/TD]
[TD]WW2 Plane[/TD]
[TD]Vought F4U Corsair[/TD]

Asnito - Tijuana Toads

[TD]BBQ Food[/TD]
[TD]Suckling Pig[/TD]
[TD]David Quinn[/TD]
[TD]Energy Drink[/TD]
[TD]Monster Ultra Zero[/TD]
[TD]Red Panda[/TD]
[TD]President of Hockey Ops[/TD]
[TD]Mr. Roboto[/TD]
[TD]Video Game Boss[/TD]
[TD]Sweet Tooth[/TD]
[TD]Video Game System[/TD]
[TD]WW2 Plane[/TD]
[TD]Lockheed P-38 Lightning[/TD]

ajgoal - Los Angeles Whalers

[TD]BBQ Food[/TD]
[TD]Tea Smoked Duck[/TD]
[TD]French Polynesia, 20th Century[/TD]
[TD]Germany, 2000s[/TD]
[TD]Adrian Monk[/TD]
[TD]Energy Drink[/TD]
[TD]Jägermeister and Red Bull[/TD]
[TD]Roy Underhill[/TD]
[TD]President of Hockey Ops[/TD]
[TD]Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski[/TD]
[TD]The Iron Giant[/TD]
[TD]Video Game Boss[/TD]
[TD]Video Game System[/TD]
[TD]Home-Built Gaming PC[/TD]
[TD]WW2 Plane[/TD]
[TD]B-25 Mitchell[/TD]

pit - Chicago Chimpanzees

[TD]BBQ Food[/TD]
[TD]Corn on the Cob[/TD]
[TD]15th Century, North America[/TD]
[TD]1980s, USA[/TD]
[TD]DCI John Luther[/TD]
[TD]Energy Drink[/TD]
[TD]Aggretsuko Liquid Rage[/TD]
[TD]Mike Holmes[/TD]
[TD]President of Hockey Ops[/TD]
[TD]Herschel Walker[/TD]
[TD]Video Game Boss[/TD]
[TD]Video Game System[/TD]
[TD]Nintendo Entertainment System[/TD]
[TD]WW2 Plane[/TD]
[TD]Focke-Wulf FW-190[/TD]

DancingPanther - Providence Platypi

[TD]BBQ Food[/TD]
[TD]Natural Casing Hot Dogs[/TD]
[TD]15th century, Florence[/TD]
[TD]Bikini Bottom, 4010s[/TD]
[TD]Energy Drink[/TD]
[TD]Nuka Bombdrop[/TD]
[TD]President of Hockey Ops[/TD]
[TD]Video Game Boss[/TD]
[TD]Video Game System[/TD]
[TD]WW2 Plane[/TD]
[TD]The Mistel[/TD]

CanadianFlyer88 - Seattle Sockeyes

[TD]BBQ Food[/TD]
[TD]Beef Souvlaki Kebabs[/TD]
[TD]21st Century Belgium[/TD]
[TD]2020s, Atlantis[/TD]
[TD]Harry Bosch[/TD]
[TD]Energy Drink[/TD]
[TD]All Sport Lemon/Lime[/TD]
[TD]Elizabeth Jennings[/TD]
[TD]President of Hockey Ops[/TD]
[TD]Doug MacLean[/TD]
[TD]Video Game Boss[/TD]
[TD]Mr. Dream[/TD]
[TD]Video Game System[/TD]
[TD]Nintendo 64[/TD]
[TD]WW2 Plane[/TD]
[TD]Vultee XP-54[/TD]

Striiker - Allentown Attack

[TD]BBQ Food[/TD]
[TD]2100's USA[/TD]
[TD]US, 00s[/TD]
[TD]Detective Mills[/TD]
[TD]Energy Drink[/TD]
[TD]Amp Energy Green[/TD]
[TD]Squidward Tentacles[/TD]
[TD]President of Hockey Ops[/TD]
[TD]Edin Terzic[/TD]
[TD]Optimus Prime[/TD]
[TD]Video Game Boss[/TD]
[TD]Video Game System[/TD]
[TD]Xbox Series X[/TD]
[TD]WW2 Plane[/TD]
[TD]SBD Dauntless[/TD]

Beef Invictus - D.C. Mutineers

[TD]BBQ Food[/TD]
[TD]Smoked Salmon[/TD]
[TD]21st Century, Sweden[/TD]
[TD]US, 1900-1910[/TD]
[TD]William of Baskerville[/TD]
[TD]Energy Drink[/TD]
[TD]Bob Vila[/TD]
[TD]President of Hockey Ops[/TD]
[TD]Brad Cornelsen[/TD]
[TD]Video Game Boss[/TD]
[TD]The Sixth Colossus[/TD]
[TD]Video Game System[/TD]
[TD]Sega Nomad[/TD]
[TD]WW2 Plane[/TD]
[TD]P-80 Shooting Star[/TD]

JojoTheWhale - New York M.A.D. Cats

[TD]BBQ Food[/TD]
[TD]Baby Back Ribs[/TD]
[TD]24th Century United Federation of Planets[/TD]
[TD]1950s Tangier[/TD]
[TD]Detective (Disco Elysium)[/TD]
[TD]Energy Drink[/TD]
[TD]Booty Sweat[/TD]
[TD]Mrs. Whale[/TD]
[TD]President of Hockey Ops[/TD]
[TD]Dave Starman[/TD]
[TD]Video Game Boss[/TD]
[TD]Chef Saltbaker[/TD]
[TD]Video Game System[/TD]
[TD]Steam Deck[/TD]
[TD]WW2 Plane[/TD]
[TD]Heinkel He 113[/TD]

Chuck Downie - Les Comiques de Saint-Louis-du-Ha!Ha!

[TD]BBQ Food[/TD]
[TD]Drunken Chicken[/TD]
[TD]1800s, Neutral Moresnet[/TD]
[TD]1880s, England[/TD]
[TD]Detective Scrotes[/TD]
[TD]Energy Drink[/TD]
[TD]Mr. Furley[/TD]
[TD]President of Hockey Ops[/TD]
[TD]Video Game Boss[/TD]
[TD]Dark Link[/TD]
[TD]Video Game System[/TD]
[TD]Turbo Grafx 16[/TD]
[TD]WW2 Plane[/TD]
[TD]Vultee Vengeance[/TD]

Strawberry Fields - Vancouver Beavers

[TD]BBQ Food[/TD]
[TD]Pulled Pork[/TD]
[TD]19th Century USA[/TD]
[TD]1950s, USA[/TD]
[TD]Eddie Valiant[/TD]
[TD]Energy Drink[/TD]
[TD]Orange Gatorade[/TD]
[TD]Ned Flanders[/TD]
[TD]Perry the Platypus[/TD]
[TD]President of Hockey Ops[/TD]
[TD]"Hell Valley" Biff Tannen[/TD]
[TD]Carl (Meet the Robinsons)[/TD]
[TD]Video Game Boss[/TD]
[TD]Video Game System[/TD]
[TD]Game Boy Advance SP[/TD]
[TD]WW2 Plane[/TD]
[TD]Martin B-26 Marauder[/TD]

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The Sray Pufts have never felt such euphoria at picking any pick as much as our team Neighbor.
@Captain Dave Poulin howdy neighbor!

@ajgoal I think you’re next. Im not sure. I didn’t look. I was too busy moving the washer off my lawn to welcome Cap to the hood.

Nah, it’s @GKJ’s turn. aj was lamenting his proximity to your brother in defectiveness.
Ok, I absolutely cannot wait on picking a WW2 aircraft because I will have no idea what to do when too many get taken. ChatGPT says I should take the P-51D Mustang under the following auspices:

“ P-51D Mustang: Perhaps the most famous variant, it featured a bubble canopy for better visibility, and it was armed with six .50 caliber machine guns. The P-51D was a highly effective and versatile fighter.”

Also claims it was the most ‘iconic.’

Please enjoy this 52-minute documentary on the P-51D mustang, which was evidently made 4 months ago

The idea of narrowing down and picking one WW2 plane is cruelty. This will take me the entire phase.

I can do research in person. I'm practically neighbors with this:

Ok, I absolutely cannot wait on picking a WW2 aircraft because I will have no idea what to do when too many get taken. ChatGPT says I should take the P-51D Mustang under the following auspices:

“ P-51D Mustang: Perhaps the most famous variant, it featured a bubble canopy for better visibility, and it was armed with six .50 caliber machine guns. The P-51D was a highly effective and versatile fighter.”

Also claims it was the most ‘iconic.’

Please enjoy this 52-minute documentary on the P-51D mustang, which was evidently made 4 months ago


The robot did you VERY good here. Especially picking the D variant in particular.
The Sray Pufts have never felt such euphoria at picking any pick as much as our team Neighbor.
@Captain Dave Poulin howdy neighbor!

@ajgoal I think you’re next. Im not sure. I didn’t look. I was too busy moving the washer off my lawn to welcome Cap to the hood.

It can't be me, dummy - I have said a million times to stop picking each other for shit. Also, you wouldn't survive for five seconds living next to me.

Try again.
It makes me sad that it was made a decade too late, or I'd pick the Thunderscreech. It had a supersonic propeller. I do not know why anyone thought this would be a workable idea, but they did. The propeller created a nonstop, eternal sonic boom; having recently heard a sonic boom, that's an incomprehensible concept. It was dangerously loud. Literally, dangerous. They started it up without realizing a guy without ear protection was in a nearby cargo plane, and the noise was so intense that all he could do was have seizures and vomit for half an hour until they turned it off. The 40s and 50s were a wonderful time of absolutely insane ideas in plane design and governments were just funding every idiot idea to see what would happen.
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