Yannetti believes there are 4 tiers in the first round, and the third higher level tier cuts at around 19-20, so they are right on the edge. I would imagine they will take any player left in that group if still available if that is how they have them ranked and that player meets the criteria they are looking for, regarding of position sans goalie. Yes, it would be ideal to get a forward no doubt, and I'm sure most of us want the same thing. Interesting thing is he believes a significant number of players 20-60 are fairly interchangeable, so it seems players could rise and fall all over the place. You have to wonder if someone is still on the board they covet at the 13-15 mark if they try and trade up. Seems like after round 2, like many years, the talent drop off is significant. So hopefully we do well again in the first and second round like last year, just worse positioning is going to make it a bit more difficult.