NHL 99 player ratings?


Registered User
Jun 6, 2018
Hi, I'm looking for the players overalls in the NHL 99 game. But, I can not find any site that gives me all NHL teams roster with the players ratings. And, I do not own the game. Is there anyone who can help me. It would be very much appreciated.
I don't know if it differed on different systems, but I had NHL 99 for the N64 and I remember that ratings were displayed as bar meters instead of numbers.

So you may not be able to get numerical overalls for players from that game.
Ya, I was wondering if in the Playstation 1 it was any different. Cause I remember played NHL 2000 in the Playstation and we were able the see the players overalls. And the things is I can see the players overalls for any other nhl games in the Internet but not for the NHL 99 game.
Interesting. I used to play it on PC, and I think they were bars. Or maybe that was NHL 98? I think they both had bars.
NHL 99 was the first NHL game I owned, and the players didn't have overalls in numbers like they have now.



Like the poster above me says, each player had a green bar. Similar to the green bars shown in the picture.
Ya, I was wondering if in the Playstation 1 it was any different. Cause I remember played NHL 2000 in the Playstation and we were able the see the players overalls. And the things is I can see the players overalls for any other nhl games in the Internet but not for the NHL 99 game.
that's because '99 and 2000 were two different games....
Hi, I'm looking for the players overalls in the NHL 99 game. But, I can not find any site that gives me all NHL teams roster with the players ratings. And, I do not own the game. Is there anyone who can help me. It would be very much appreciated.
This might be too late for you Antho42, but if you or anyone is still looking for I have data from pc ea roster Dropbox - nhl99playerratings.ods
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