HF Oil's Unofficial Shitposter
Alright so I'm going to start this off by saying that I have a pretty cool story to share from this past week. I was in Vancouver this past week on vacation and figured I'd catch the Canucks-Blues game. Being a huge Oiler fan and Nucks hater, I bought a Blues T-shirt before heading to the game to wear.
I got to the arena about an hour early just to check things out and to watch warm ups and stuff. The Canucks side was full but the Blues was empty and for the night I was a Blues fan. I was over right where the Blues were warming up and it was pretty empty except for a few of us. A trainer saw maybe 5 or 6 of us in Blues t shirts or jerseys sitting there eagerly anticipating the warm ups, ready to cheer the team on and he called us over. The trainer then pulls out a few sticks and starts giving them to us! It was pretty legit. It's a Ryan Reaves and some other guy got Barret Jackman but I'm not sure what else was given out. It was especially cool because Reaves later got in a fight that night.
Posted some pictures of the stick and me at the game about 5 minutes after getting it. You can tell it's game used because it's pretty beaten up. It's not that great a story but the fact that they kind of sought us out really made me appreciate the Blues and I felt I wanted to share that with Blues fans. You guys were my Stanley Cup pick this year and now I REALLY hope you can pull it off.
I got to the arena about an hour early just to check things out and to watch warm ups and stuff. The Canucks side was full but the Blues was empty and for the night I was a Blues fan. I was over right where the Blues were warming up and it was pretty empty except for a few of us. A trainer saw maybe 5 or 6 of us in Blues t shirts or jerseys sitting there eagerly anticipating the warm ups, ready to cheer the team on and he called us over. The trainer then pulls out a few sticks and starts giving them to us! It was pretty legit. It's a Ryan Reaves and some other guy got Barret Jackman but I'm not sure what else was given out. It was especially cool because Reaves later got in a fight that night.
Posted some pictures of the stick and me at the game about 5 minutes after getting it. You can tell it's game used because it's pretty beaten up. It's not that great a story but the fact that they kind of sought us out really made me appreciate the Blues and I felt I wanted to share that with Blues fans. You guys were my Stanley Cup pick this year and now I REALLY hope you can pull it off.