My friends and I were greatly disturbed by the number of dirty teen 'staches (dirty sanchez's, as the kids say) on the Russian junior team.
Is it a cultural thing, to try and grow the most disgusting facial hair possible? Is this some sort of tradition, like the playoff beard in the NHL?
At any rate, this behaviour should not be encouraged. I suggest something similar to the free-condoms-in-highschool programs that run in North America, but of course with razor's instead of condoms (since these kids need to shave before they'll ever have use for a condom anyways).
Thank you for your time,
-a concerned citizen
Is it a cultural thing, to try and grow the most disgusting facial hair possible? Is this some sort of tradition, like the playoff beard in the NHL?
At any rate, this behaviour should not be encouraged. I suggest something similar to the free-condoms-in-highschool programs that run in North America, but of course with razor's instead of condoms (since these kids need to shave before they'll ever have use for a condom anyways).
Thank you for your time,
-a concerned citizen