Registered User
Copied and pasted and spot on.
Maybe so but the emphasis prior to WWWF changing to WWF and much later to WWE was on the sport. The competition itself. Audiences had a bit of doubt about what was real and what was fake. Thanks to Vince McMahon Jr. most of the fan's doubts went out the window. He turned professional wrestling into a laughing stock. A lot of people who weren't fan's before his take over didn't think much of it but he made potential fan's turn their heads around completely. No question that he made his product a huge commercial success but in doing so he killed the best part of the business. Before you get on your high horse about the talent still being athletes, yes, they are. But they are nowhere near to being actual professional wrestlers because they're more like glorified stunt persons risking their lives for a paycheck. Let's also not forget how Vince sees people. He sees us as a commodity. His roster is bought and sold with zero regard to them as human beings. He looks at his audience and doesn't see fans.. He sees marks. It's all about power and money to him. As for Eddie Mansfield, others have broken kayfabe long before him and wrestlers are still shooting today and always will be. When you work in the business it's your job to give fans a little bit of doubt about what is a shoot or a work. Vince doesn't leave any doubt that what you're seeing and hearing is a work.
Maybe so but the emphasis prior to WWWF changing to WWF and much later to WWE was on the sport. The competition itself. Audiences had a bit of doubt about what was real and what was fake. Thanks to Vince McMahon Jr. most of the fan's doubts went out the window. He turned professional wrestling into a laughing stock. A lot of people who weren't fan's before his take over didn't think much of it but he made potential fan's turn their heads around completely. No question that he made his product a huge commercial success but in doing so he killed the best part of the business. Before you get on your high horse about the talent still being athletes, yes, they are. But they are nowhere near to being actual professional wrestlers because they're more like glorified stunt persons risking their lives for a paycheck. Let's also not forget how Vince sees people. He sees us as a commodity. His roster is bought and sold with zero regard to them as human beings. He looks at his audience and doesn't see fans.. He sees marks. It's all about power and money to him. As for Eddie Mansfield, others have broken kayfabe long before him and wrestlers are still shooting today and always will be. When you work in the business it's your job to give fans a little bit of doubt about what is a shoot or a work. Vince doesn't leave any doubt that what you're seeing and hearing is a work.