It seems like just a rehash on the podcast he did with John Scott. You should check that out to get it from the horse's mouth.Anyone post the my post article of Laraque with rempe? Great read. Laraque seems to have taught him a lot in the fighting area and Laraque sounds very very excited to see him when he fights next year. Talks about how he taught him technique and how he skated with someone for an hour after his 90 min session with Laraque. He also said players play bigger and tougher with rempe in the lineup knowing that he has their backs. It’s a big plus since we don’t have forwards who can muck it up.
Rangers’ Matt Rempe a ‘different fighter’ after Georges Laraque fight camp
Rangers forward Matt Rempe and former enforcer Georges Laraque met at the Silent Ice Center in Edmonton, Alberta, last week for three days.nypost.com
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