People will stop caring about these collapses when they stop leading to early playoff exists.
The Leafs fanbase is, rightfully, on edge when we collapse in these tyoe of games, because it wreaks of the lack of heart and execution that will be required to finish a good team off in a playoff series, something that is really hard to do.
The concern from many (me included) is that this team is plenty talented enough, but lacks the intangible qualities to finish. Watching Florida comeback like a hot knife through butter leaves a terrible taste in our mouths. Losing a game to the Panthers is no big deal. They're excellent. Losing in Florida is no big deal. It's a tough place to play. Losing a game on the second night of a back-to-back is no big deal. Happens all the time.
Losing a game with a 5-1 lead, in a playoff atmosphere, against a team we're likely to see if we move on, that's what sucks.