Drury has absolutely handled this situation wrong, and not just for not trading him sooner. Even if Kravtsov is "more," to blame, and he may be, it doesn't matter in the analysis of what Drury should have done. He should have cut Kravtsov a little slack knowing he'd bolt. That doesn't mean cave in and give him everything he wants "without earning it," but it does mean work a little harder to come to some accommodation with him, at least for a trial period, including, if necessary, cutting flippin' Libor Hajek to keep Kravtsov on the active roster but scratched while he works through conditioning issues. But Drury definitely seems to be a hot head as GM, there are a lot of unsavory rumors about him being cut throat in regards to the JD/JG thing, and he has had a hand in or presided over a couple different player meltdowns that have resulted in us getting less than (or no) value for previously valuable assets. All to the serious detriment of our rebuild and assembly of a long term favored contender in the future.
That being said if he can rectify this situation by winning a trade his grade will improve. I'm not married to Kravtsov per se, I'm married to the idea that we get another elite talent in here if not Kravtsov (or two). Confidence is not high, but we'll see.