Finally started playing middle of last week. I'm on a sabbatical so I have a lot of free time. I have like 30 hours in so far, absolutely love it. It is a more polished KCD1 cranked up to 11. There are small tweaks, but they didn't remove anything from the first game, and just added in more great stuff along the same lines (Blacksmithing is a guilty pleasure of mine).
If you liked KCD1, you probably already own this, but if you don't, buy it and play it immediately.
To anyone else, I strongly suggest it. The character progression is off the charts so just prepare yourself that you will be weak and vulnerable for much of the early game, and will never be so over powered you can breeze through late game like a Skyrim. I'm a sucker for RPG (light) open world games, and this one hits like crack. It's the best one I've played since The Witcher 3.
Edit: Also, be careful with thievery. I was in for a surprise when someone saw me being shady around a locked door. I left the area then went back shortly after and robbed it. As I snuck out I heard the NPC notice that their stuff was missing but I was gone. Next time I came to town they recognized me as the creeper and I still had the loot on me. Whoops! Off to the stockade.