Yep, and he learned from that how much of a business it really was, didn’t he? To the tune of beating the balls off the team in this negotiation, no?
Seems like Sweeney is the one who learned this time, so the kid was a fast study. Must have been those business courses at UM.
At the end of the day, Sweeney did what a lot of management types do and he viewed Swayman as a nail and the team as a hammer. And like it happens from time to time, when the shoe is on the other foot, it comes back to you how you treated people. They nickel and dimed him in that arbitration hearing to a ridiculous level. He returned the favor in a big way. The takeaway is that just because you have the leverage doesn’t mean you need to use it every time. Nuance is the key. They decided they were the hammer so when he got the chance, Sway returned the favor.