Friedman also said,
"They have to know the kid is not happy. I want to be careful with this. There is a difference between being unhappy and being selfish. There are people who would look at this and say, “The kid is being selfish because they are doing really well, and he is not happy with his ice time.” I think there is a difference.
He is not going public. He is not complaining. I guarantee you that every day he has reporters going up to him and asking, “How are you doing?” I am sure reporters are reaching out to his people asking, “Are you unhappy here?” They have kept quiet.
He wants to play. He wants to play hockey. I think Toronto knows that you are getting to a point here. They haven’t sent him back to the AHL. To me, there is a reason, and that reason is they realize that while playing is good, he is at the point where it is not really helping him anymore.
I think we are getting to a point where, if they can’t find a spot for him, they know it’s probably time for him to go somewhere else. But it is not the time to bitch about that when the team is going really good. It is also a situation where, at times, you have to keep your mouth shut and let things work out organically. This is one of those times for him."