Not sure if this is appropriate or not but here goes...true story.
I have had an annual bonfire/deepfry/memorial party every year (except this one) since 1997 and about 10 years ago we were sitting around the fire tipping a few and it was about 2 in the morning when one of my best friends, Sue, put her feet out and said to my friend, "Cheech, rub my feet for me."
I said, "Jeez Sue is that your feet that smells like that? God that's horrible!"
"My feet don't stink!" she said.
Oh, I said then it must be your c*&t!
Everybody's face just dropped and there there was complete silence.
"There's not too many people on the planet I would let say that to me, you know."
I told her it's a good thing because there isn't many women on the planet I would say that too.
We're still friends.