How soon can I play after getting my wisdom teeth out?


Registered User
Feb 9, 2008
I would assume whenever you're done using the drugs you're given. I don't think anyone can be too effective on what they tend to give you after something like that.


Mar 15, 2009
Oops, I forgot about this thread. I was fine. I had the four teeth taken out on the Friday morning and went out for a couple of beers the same night. And yes, I played on the Sunday and Monday.

My mouth was numb for like a day and a half, i would have spilled the beers all over me and i was also like 14


Registered User
Jul 7, 2009
I just had mine out as well, and they said no gym for two weeks. The reason being you stand a good chance of disrupting the blood clots, which slows down healing.

However, I've had no problems so far, and can't see how anyone would require two weeks to get healed enough for physical activity.

And, I was only prescribed ibuprofin, so that has no negative bearing on one's ability to compete in sports.


Registered User
Dec 24, 2006
Lewiston, ME USA
FYI, it's not super serious hockey, just a couple of beer leagues.

I will be getting all four wisdom teeth out on a Friday morning. I have games scheduled for the Sunday night and Monday night.

Is it realistic to think I can play in either of those games?

No it isn't okay that soon.

You'll have stiched no doubt BUT you do not want the necessary blood clot in the tooth socket to dissolve. it acts as a scab in a wet environment and is an easy thing to screw up healing.

Don't suck on the injury while it heals either.

You do NOT want "dry socket" which is an extremely painful condition where your bare jaw bone is exposed to air and your gums shrink away from the bone because the clot that would have helped the gums heal to one another are gone.

Surgery is not required to fix it though.

I have had my wisdom teeth out as well as a few others due to hockey, soccer among other things.

Be careful and give it time to heal .... you'll live if you miss a week of hockey. You don't want to do anything that gets your blood pumping hard for a few days.
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Registered User
Dec 29, 2009
I guess you missed his post a few up from yours saying he did play in the games and was fine. ;)


Registered User
Dec 29, 2009
I dont think I would have. When I had mine out, I felt ok after a day or so, but still took it easy as I didnt want to bust my stitches or take a shot to the mouth or something.

But then again, I'm not sure I know what I would have done as I wasnt in that position. I did hurt my shoulder very badly in a game recently, finished the game and played in the next one even though I still hurt like mad. Just didnt want to miss a game. :D

Lupuls Grit

Registered User
Oct 12, 2018
Probably crazy to be bringing this super old thread back to life but the information provided was really valuable. I had a wisdom tooth removed five days ago and am frustrated that it still hurts so damn much! I was planning to push through the pain and play in my beer league tonight but the perspective provided here has helped convince me that doing so would be stupid and potentially cause problems. Enjoy your youth kids - recovery time (in all aspects!) is much slower in your 50's!


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