I disagree on this
if someone has a bad shot they can work on it, but that won't turn them into Ovechkin or even necessarily mean their shot will be good, just better than it was
effort is a talent just like any other, you can get better at it, but that doesn't mean you will turn into Brian Sutter, if it was easily attainable everyone would do it
playing in front of the net is a completely different skillset than playing in space
in basketball one 6'5 player may defend well in space, have a great shot from the outside, and be good at driving to the net, and another 6'5 player may have a bunch of moves down low, play great with his back to the basket and block out well, completely different skills, if you switch their positions they simply won't be as good
just because one player can do "x" doesn't mean that just by working on it any player can do "x", if it was that easy everyone would have a shot like Ovechkin and skate like McDavid, fans expectations of what player x or player y can do is the issue, not the players themselves