How attractive is Ottawa?

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Registered User
Jan 26, 2009
It's called the internet. People can shop on it now.

People still stay away from that due to fit.

You don't want to buy a 300 dollar pair of running shoes and not have it fit. By the whole time the process is done it could be a month or two before you actually have your new running shoes.


Registered User
May 6, 2013
The fact that you just put San Fran in with those cities is not a good sign for you. San Fran is a world class city.

So are Ottawa & Dallas - both for various and unique reasons of their own, that San Fran can't match

For lunch, I want to go to a David Chang restaurant.

Do you care more about the name or the food? If you're just looking for 5 Star Korean food, than Ottawa's Alirang is every bit as good as Chang's.

If a recognizable chef's name is more important than the food, there's always one of John Taylor's several restaurants.

Then I want a bar that does a regular hip hop karoake night, in an inclusive atmosphere.

Oh god, the karoake options are as endless as they are mindless. Ottawa has 2 i know of that operate 6 days a week. And plenty others that do specialty nights. I'm sure they're good considering they're always packed and have been open for as long as i can remember - a novelty for most downtown & byward market enterprises.

In Dallas, karoake is huge.

Then I want a bar with latino drag queens that give everyone salsa lessons.

Club Caliente in Ottawa. In Dallas (and much of the States)... such a spot probably turns into redneck target practice.

Finally, I want a choice of 10 different bars that might play some LCD Soundsystem on the dance-floor. No one wants to go to the same bar every night.

Actually, sports stars DO want to go to the same bars most nights. They tend to gravitate and return to the spots that provide them the best security and experience. Hence why you'll see the majority of the Senators frequenting just 3 bars in west Ottawa, when there are 30+ that are "better".

I worked a short stint in retail for SAIL when the first one in English Canada opened in Ottawa.
I sold Alfredsson his 2nd firearm and a firearms safe, and hit him up for an autograph on a Rocky hunting cap.

These guys are generally not looking for the crap you're spouting. And if a few of them are, every city provides it, or a suitable equivalent.


Electricity is really just organized lightning.
Jul 21, 2009
There have been a lot of unsubstantiated claims in this thread, it’s getting a little frustrating. Ottawa has as many wealthy areas as other cities. I’ve provided links, I believe from both Census Canada, and Environics Canada (not sure if I provided both, but I certainly can if you like), that show that to be untrue, both in terms of numbers (obviously) and in terms of %s and ratios.

Then that Ottawa is so much nicer and safer. Well, clearly it’s not safer, in fact, per capita, the exact opposite is true. To be clear, I think the stat is irrelevant for the reasons you say, you’re not going to get shot in the wealthiest areas of any of these cities.

But several posters here are shooting out comments that are pretty much BS, without anything concrete to back them up. When that didn’t work they resorted to things that can’t possibly be substantiated, and referred to them as facts. “NHLers don’t even like the wealthy areas anyway”. Then when responded to with a post essentially saying that I wouldn’t consider them any different than any other segment of the population, I get the ridiculous retort that “you’re assuming things”.

When you actually review what has been said, there is one side that has actually backed things up, and the other that has fired out unsubstantiated claims, or intelligent responses like “you’re just a hater” and actually resorted to personal attacks quite frequently. Now some are trying “there is no difference between all cities, they’re all exactly the same”. It’s pretty clear that they can’t effectively argue their claims and resorting to garbage tactics.

You're still taking different pieces of information and assuming that they go together without exception. It's no different than what the rest of us are doing, except that you believe your assumptions to be scripture.

Some NHL players fall into the lifestyle you describe, others don't. Are there more like you describe or more like others describe? We simply don't know. All I know is that I've seen many players in regular bars and restaurants and shopping centers. I used to see Mike Fisher at Canadian Tire all the time, I saw him and Chara at Walmart before. Those elites sure like their low prices it would seem!

My point is that when a player is choosing where to go, I doubt the city itself plays nearly as much into the decision for most players as the competitive level of the team, and the money they're offered. They don't permanently move to the city, they buy a house to live while they work, and then go back home as soon as the season is over.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2009
My point is a bigger city offers more. Rich people can like a wide variety of things. A bigger city will have a wider variety of things so every person has multiple places for them instead of only a couple and end up getting bored of them.

The other thing is if you want a small town or big city feel, you can get both in a big city. Go downtown and you have a big city feel. Go to a suburb and you have a town feel.

In Ottawa you only have small town feel. Even if you go downtown its small.


Registered User
May 31, 2011
New York
I'm also a little unsure why so many keep talking about Ottawa as some safe place to live. In recent history it has some of the highest crime, violent crime, and murder rates, in all of Canada. You're FAR more likely to be a victim of a violent crime or murder as a resident of Ottawa than you are of Toronto or Vancouver.

8 times since 1981, Ottawa has had the highest murder rate of any major city in Canada. Exceeded only by Winnipeg at 16. Vancouver, twice. Toronto, not once.

Most recent data (2012) puts Ottawa (1.0 homicides per 100,000) well outside the top 15 (#15 is 3.2 per 100,000; #1 is 6.4). That's also lower than Toronto's, at 1.5 per 100,000 (link). I'd be very surprised if this was significantly different from the last 40 years.


Registered User
Sep 18, 2009
My point is a bigger city offers more. Rich people can like a wide variety of things. A bigger city will have a wider variety of things so every person has multiple places for them instead of only a couple and end up getting bored of them.

The other thing is if you want a small town or big city feel, you can get both in a big city. Go downtown and you have a big city feel. Go to a suburb and you have a town feel.

In Ottawa you only have small town feel. Even if you go downtown its small.

More what though? I don't get what you think people are lacking here.

When was the last time you spoke to a rich person, not your parents with all due respect who have done really well, but the people who make 30-40K per month, drive exotics and live in mansions...have they told you that they couldn't get Grey Poupon or caviar? Dom Perignon? Cristal?

Ok, so we don't have a Ferrari dealership, that certainly doesn't stop anyone in Ottawa from having them. Or Lamborghini.

Fly their planes? Drive their cigar boats? Speed boats?

What are they missing?


Registered User
Apr 17, 2009
Ottawa sucks. Face it. Stop defending the city because you were able to get a lousy government job that allows you to own a house in the suburbs and eat out a few times a week, and take a 2 week vacation to Cuba. Anyone in their right mind would pick 90% of other sports cities over this one.

Some of your are saying that no player has complained about the city. These guys are making millions; they don't care that much where they play because they're amongst the elite in society anyway. And would they want the reputation of a whiner who wants out of a city because it's not cool enough, no.

Even I use to think Ottawa was a great city, till I started travelling to different parts of North America and the world. Now it's a place that I visit just to see friends and family a month out of the year.


Electricity is really just organized lightning.
Jul 21, 2009
Ottawa sucks. Face it. Stop defending the city because you were able to get a lousy government job that allows you to own a house in the suburbs and eat out a few times a week, and take a 2 week vacation to Cuba. Anyone in their right mind would pick 90% of other sports cities over this one.

Some of your are saying that no player has complained about the city. These guys are making millions; they don't care that much where they play because they're amongst the elite in society anyway. And would they want the reputation of a whiner who wants out of a city because it's not cool enough, no.

Even I use to think Ottawa was a great city, till I started travelling to different parts of North America and the world. Now it's a place that I visit just to see friends and family a month out of the year.

Jsut because people don't agree with you doesn't mean they're ignorant to the rest of the world.


Registered User
May 6, 2013
Ottawa sucks. Face it. Stop defending the city because you were able to get a lousy government job that allows you to own a house in the suburbs and eat out a few times a week, and take a 2 week vacation to Cuba. Anyone in their right mind would pick 90% of other sports cities over this one.

Some of your are saying that no player has complained about the city. These guys are making millions; they don't care that much where they play because they're amongst the elite in society anyway. And would they want the reputation of a whiner who wants out of a city because it's not cool enough, no.

Even I use to think Ottawa was a great city, till I started travelling to different parts of North America and the world. Now it's a place that I visit just to see friends and family a month out of the year.


My wife managed Toronto's Hyatt and Metropolitan hotels/restaurants. She then moved to the U.K. for 3 years to manage promotions for The Living Room chain of bars... she thought TO was the greatest city in the world. Till she lived in Ottawa for two months.

I think i'll weight the opinion of someone who actually KNOWS what high end clientelle are looking for, over someone who just assumes that everyone who likes Ottawa is working a Federal gig (hint hint I'm not and never have).


Electricity is really just organized lightning.
Jul 21, 2009

My wife managed Toronto's Hyatt and Metropolitan hotels/restaurants. She then moved to the U.K. for 3 years to manage promotions for The Living Room chain of bars... she thought TO was the greatest city in the world. Till she lived in Ottawa for two months.

I think i'll weight the opinion of someone who actually KNOWS what high end clientelle are looking for, over someone who just assumes that everyone who likes Ottawa is working a Federal gig (hint hint I'm not and never have).

Its different strokes for different folks. Some like chunky peanut butter, others like smooth. Thats why I don't buy in to people declaring that the city sucks or doesn't, that players want to play here or don't because of this or because of that. People who flat out say the city blows probably aren't drawing from the deepest wisdom pool, that will come in time . . . for most.

Some people are going to like it here, some aren't. Same goes with players.

At the end of the day, the city itself is not going to be the main factor in drawing free agents here. It's going to be dollars and the quality of the team itself.


Registered User
Jan 12, 2010
Ottawa, Canada
Ottawa sucks. Face it. Stop defending the city because you were able to get a lousy government job that allows you to own a house in the suburbs and eat out a few times a week, and take a 2 week vacation to Cuba. Anyone in their right mind would pick 90% of other sports cities over this one.

Some of your are saying that no player has complained about the city. These guys are making millions; they don't care that much where they play because they're amongst the elite in society anyway. And would they want the reputation of a whiner who wants out of a city because it's not cool enough, no.

Even I use to think Ottawa was a great city, till I started travelling to different parts of North America and the world. Now it's a place that I visit just to see friends and family a month out of the year.

Here's a fun fact, a lot of people think their hometown sucks compared to the places they visit. Why? Because when you spend a isolated amount of time in a place, you get to see the best of what the city offers and it appears shiny and new to you. Case in point, I was in Dublin. I thought the city was the greatest thing since sliced bread. All the locals I met couldn't believe that I CHOSE to visit Dublin because they found it boring and dull. It's classic "grass is greener" syndrome.

Don't act like you have ANY idea what players want from a city, because you don't. At all.


Jul 29, 2009
Ottawa sucks. Sorry guys. I lived there for many years. Now I live in Toronto; thank God. The hockey team sucks, but the city is great.

I lived in Toronto for the first 27 years of my life and prefer Ottawa, so I moved here. What does it all mean?


I lived in Toronto for the first 27 years of my life and prefer Ottawa, so I moved here. What does it all mean?

Most likely that you werent successful or wealthy enough to live in a nice part of the city, so you moved to a cheaper city.


Registered User
Aug 21, 2007
I doubt a young player wants to come to Ottawa...still it's an alternative to the crazy montreal/Toronto atmosphere. No offense when I say that, it's just a smaller market but still has the passion of a Canadian fanbase.

I can easily see some Ontario or Quebec born players choosing Ottawa. I can also see some older UFAs with a family choosing Ottawa.

It all depends of course. Ottawa has some top end talent so even some young guys wouldn't be opposed to it. I just don't see a 25-27 year old UFA begging for Ottawa unless he's a local or it's short term.

Still, it's easy for me to say that because most young UFAs have a plethora of options to choose from.


You sound like the litte boy on the Cosby show, that repeated everything his older brother said as fact...Rudy's friend. Somebody help me out here!

Personal Attack. Love it. Thanks for proving my point.


Jul 29, 2009
Most likely that you werent successful or wealthy enough to live in a nice part of the city, so you moved to a cheaper city.

what a silly thing to say. If I wanted to leave toronto for a cheaper city I would have moved to mississauga.


Registered User
Jan 12, 2010
Ottawa, Canada
Personal Attack. Love it. Thanks for proving my point.

Says the guy who insulted another poster by insinuating that he couldn't "cut it" in Toronto so he moved to Ottawa. Plenty of losers working crappy jobs in the city of TO. I'd wager 90% of the population of Toronto can't afford to live in the "nice" part of the city due to the inflated real estate market.

But a winner like you must live right in Rosedale, right?


Electricity is really just organized lightning.
Jul 21, 2009


Says the guy who insulted another poster by insinuating that he couldn't "cut it" in Toronto so he moved to Ottawa. Plenty of losers working crappy jobs in the city of TO. I'd wager 90% of the population of Toronto can't afford to live in the "nice" part of the city due to the inflated real estate market.

But a winner like you must live right in Rosedale, right?

Why is that an insult? That is a big reason why people leave cities and move to the suburbs, or smaller cities. It's not an insult, it's a reality in the majority of cases.

Plenty of losers work crappy jobs in many cities, and live in ghettos, or suburbs, and deal with long commutes.

Who says I live in Toronto at all?


haha i missed this gem. Ottawa's murder rate is just so damned high! Its amazing anyone even leaves the house. Especially along the rideau canal, the bodies are just floating in it.\

Great for Ottawa. Must have been a good year. Here's the data prior to that, going back to 1981. Note Ottawa is a) almost always higher than the national average, b) highest in the country some years, and c) almost always higher than Toronto and Vancouver.

Pay Carl

punished “venom” krejci
Jun 23, 2011


So long as I don't take my time machine back to the 80's I think we will all be ok

But thanks for the heads up

It's almost incredible how much people will ignore what they want to, despite it being shoved in their face.

2005 to 2010 - above national average every year. 2006 - highest in country. Higher than both Toronto and Vancouver in 2010 (and often throughout the last 20 years). In fact, highest in country, as already mentioned, more times than any city other than Winnipeg.


Electricity is really just organized lightning.
Jul 21, 2009
It's almost incredible how much people will ignore what they want to, despite it being shoved in their face.

2005 to 2010 - above national average every year. 2006 - highest in country. Higher than both Toronto and Vancouver in 2010 (and often throughout the last 20 years). In fact, highest in country, as already mentioned, more times than any city other than Winnipeg.

Meh, the numbers average out. The people who are murdered in this city, and most others are almost always involved in drugs or other kinds of crime. It's rare that somebody just gets stabbed to death on the street for no real reason.

I'm not sure what your vendetta is, but its making for some entertaining reading! You have gone from declaring that millionaires don't want to live in Ottawa, to saying that a guy will probably get stabbed if he goes for a stroll along the rideau canal.

Im surprised you haven't dug up numbers on STD contractions, drug addiction and obesity. I look forward to it though, im sure it's coming.


Registered User
Jan 12, 2010
Ottawa, Canada
Meh, the numbers average out. The people who are murdered in this city, and most others are almost always involved in drugs or other kinds of crime. It's rare that somebody just gets stabbed to death on the street for no real reason.

I'm not sure what your vendetta is, but its making for some entertaining reading! You have gone from declaring that millionaires don't want to live in Ottawa, to saying that a guy will probably get stabbed if he goes for a stroll along the rideau canal.

Im surprised you haven't dug up numbers on STD contractions, drug addiction and obesity. I look forward to it though, im sure it's coming.

Did you know Ottawa gets more ticks per capita than Toronto and Montreal?

**** this city man, **** this city!!!


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