Movies: Horror Movie Discussion


Apr 29, 2012
Nova Scotia
I'd hope we have some big horror movie fans here and it's getting close to October.

Obviously we'll have a lot of discussion in threads for horror movies like The Conjuring but I'd like to be able to get some people talking about Horror movies in general.

Any horror films people are looking forward to?

member 151739

I love all types of horror. The only sub-genre I can think of that I don't enjoy is stuff like Paranormal Activity.

For satires, I'd obviously suggest Tucker and Dale vs. Evil and Cabin in the Woods. I'd include Scream too, but I want to place that series into the slasher category. There are some damn good slashers, but people seem to disregard them. The Hatchet trilogy is, in my opinion, well-made for the type of films they are.

Of course, you got A Nightmare on Elm Street. Anyone who loves those films should watch Never Sleep Again, the documentary on the series. Same with Crystal Lake Memories for Friday the 13th, but I haven't watched that one yet.

If anyone wants to watch great horror, I'd say Audition or Let the Right One In.

Everyone knows the classics, and they are all must-watch. But how about Don't Look Now?


Apr 29, 2012
Nova Scotia
I love all types of horror. The only sub-genre I can think of that I don't enjoy is stuff like Paranormal Activity.

For satires, I'd obviously suggest Tucker and Dale vs. Evil and Cabin in the Woods. I'd include Scream too, but I want to place that series into the slasher category. There are some damn good slashers, but people seem to disregard them. The Hatchet trilogy is, in my opinion, well-made for the type of films they are.

Of course, you got A Nightmare on Elm Street. Anyone who loves those films should watch Never Sleep Again, the documentary on the series. Same with Crystal Lake Memories for Friday the 13th, but I haven't watched that one yet.

If anyone wants to watch great horror, I'd say Audition or Let the Right One In.

Do you watch a lot of the lower budget new horror films? I don't mean like $10000 films, but movies like V/H/S (series) or Cabin Fever?

member 151739

Do you watch a lot of the lower budget new horror films? I don't mean like $10000 films, but movies like V/H/S (series) or Cabin Fever?

Cabin Fever is actually one of my favorite horror films. I've seen it many times. :laugh: V/H/S was pretty good.

I recently watched Afflicted, and it was alright.


Orange & Black
Aug 27, 2009
Philadelphia, PA
I'm always excited come fall and Halloween time.

A Nightmare on Elm Street will always be my favorite. Freddy Krueger GOAT

Saw the trailer for that Doll movie. I will check that out in the theaters. Apparently same people that made The Conjuring, which I enjoyed.

The Reaper

Men of Mayhem
Dec 29, 2010
I'm always excited come fall and Halloween time.

A Nightmare on Elm Street will always be my favorite. Freddy Krueger GOAT

Saw the trailer for that Doll movie. I will check that out in the theaters. Apparently same people that made The Conjuring, which I enjoyed.

The doll movie is called Annabelle which is a spinoff of The Conjuring


Registered User
Jun 19, 2011
Las Vegas
Would Pan's labyrinth be considered horror? What about black swan?

As far as horror, my favorites would be "Let the right one in", "Nesferatu" and recently "Tusk"

I also really enjoyed the orphanage (not to be confused with the orphan)


Registered User
Mar 6, 2002
In your nightmares
I grew up LOVING horror movies... as much as it ruined my sleep as a child I couldn't avoid them... movies like Nightmare on Elm St., Candyman, Child's Play were my go to flicks... nowadays the industry isn't nearly as good. It's rather depressing... :(

as for "newer" movies...

Dog Soldiers
the Conjuring
let the right one in / let me in (both were good, preferred the swedish original)
high tension
house of 1000 corpses
eden lake
in the mouth of madness
28 days later / 28 weeks later
wolf creek
shaun of the dead
ginger snaps
exorcism of emily rose
REC (series)
30 days of night
cry wolf

I recommend you guys watch the shows the Strain and American Horror Story... both are good for horror fans.
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Apr 29, 2012
Nova Scotia
Would Pan's labyrinth be considered horror? What about black swan?

As far as horror, my favorites would be "Let the right one in", "Nesferatu" and recently "Tusk"

I also really enjoyed the orphanage (not to be confused with the orphan)

I reallllly am excited to see Tusk.

Dipsy Doodle

Rent A Barn
May 28, 2006
For satires, I'd obviously suggest Tucker and Dale vs. Evil and Cabin in the Woods. I'd include Scream too, but I want to place that series into the slasher category. There are some damn good slashers, but people seem to disregard them. The Hatchet trilogy is, in my opinion, well-made for the type of films they are.

If you haven't already, check out Slither. Damn good movie in that vein, from the Guardians of the Galaxy director.

USC Trojans

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
May 17, 2002
LA Oiler fan
October is always my favorite time of the year. I usually spend week nights watching 80s horror movies. The 80s were really the best years for the genre.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
I'm always excited come fall and Halloween time.

A Nightmare on Elm Street will always be my favorite. Freddy Krueger GOAT

Saw the trailer for that Doll movie. I will check that out in the theaters. Apparently same people that made The Conjuring, which I enjoyed.

Probably one of my two faves, along with the original Halloween. Sustained suspense > cheap scares and gratuitous gore.

I'm old school. :laugh:


Registered User
Aug 4, 2014
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I love horror movies, haven't watched many in a whie because my wife won't go near them. My personal favorite would be the Ginger Snaps trilogy, glad to see it listed already (2 and 3 not as good as the original, but I still enjoy them). I also love House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects. Event Horizon was always really scary for me (not typical horror, but scary as hell).


Registered User
Jun 17, 2011
Toronto, ON
I saw The Exorcist when I was 10 and had nightmares about the face that flashes until I was 19. Legit trauma there.

I'm in the minority on this but I actually love found footage horror, even poorly produced versions seem to give me scares. Slashers and monsters don't scare me as much as invisible entities. The 3rd Paranormal Activity movie ****ed with me for almost a month because they actually put in a lot of effort to build a backstory and it was done nicely (I maintain, it's incredibly underrated).

Other horror movies I love are The Descent, Scream films, pretty much any-and-all well-done satires (Cabin in the Woods, Tucker & Dale, etc.), Cabin Fever, Exorcism of Emily Rose, VHS & VHS 2. Haven't seen the most recent ones to come out in theaters but they're all on Netflix so I'm going to check them out when I get less terrified.

Not sure if I would count 28 Days/Weeks Later, The Shining, Hostel, and Saw I/II/III as they're not really that scary (well Shining is and gave me nightmares) more like thrillers & torture porns. Whatever you want to call it.
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Registered User
Jan 14, 2012
My favorite genre.

Unfortunately nowadays there is no good horror movies coming out. Maybe I am being too critical but they all look the same to me. Too many crappy ghost/possession movies out now that rely on jump scares.
May 27, 2012
Evil Dead was a joke of a horror, so was Oculus. However I did like Sinister, I was on edge during the movie. The Conjuring was alright as well.


Apr 29, 2012
Nova Scotia
Sinister is one of the only horror movies I have watched recently where I was genuinely affected. Not sure where that movie stands with other people though.

Yep. I watch an insane amount of horror movies and only recently two movies made it hard for me to sleep that night. One was Sinister and the other was a certain sequel to a movie where people are stitched together.

If you haven't already, check out Slither. Damn good movie in that vein, from the Guardians of the Galaxy director.

I remember watching this when it first came out. Was always worried one of the creatures would come in through my bathroom fan like in the cop station.

I think this looks fantastic and can't wait to see it:

Looks pretty creepy.

That youtube channel is great for finding Horror movies btw. I've been going through watching each one which is actually why I made this thread, aha.

Evil Dead was a joke of a horror, so was Oculus. However I did like Sinister, I was on edge during the movie. The Conjuring was alright as well.

I thought Oculus was pretty good tbh.

JDinkalage Morgoone

U of South Flurrida
Oct 7, 2008
308 Negra Arroyo Ln.
Zombie movies are my favorite. Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead (both) and Land of the Dead are great. I also love 28 Days Later, although they technically aren't zombies.

John Carpenter's The Thing is another one of my favorites, just a great all around movie. Pretty much anything John Carpenter has done, I have enjoyed. They Live is awesome.

I don't know if it's horror, but Cronenberg's stuff is great. Videodrome and the Fly.


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