Maliks PlusMinus
Registered User
Hi guys. I've been watching the Rangers since 99 from Scotland, but have had to put up with limited tv coverage and streaming. I've been saving money to finally come and see them properly and was hoping to do it next year, but I have just been offered cheap flights from a friend who has to cancel and I might be able to sort it with work to come for the Kings game on the 15th of December.
I imagine places to stay will be very expensive, especially so close to xmas, but I would be staying for 6 nights, so I would need to find something that is hopefully cheap, but also decent.
Can anyone help? Hotels, hostels, good places to go, whatever. Any advice would be great.
I am so excited!
I imagine places to stay will be very expensive, especially so close to xmas, but I would be staying for 6 nights, so I would need to find something that is hopefully cheap, but also decent.
Can anyone help? Hotels, hostels, good places to go, whatever. Any advice would be great.
I am so excited!

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