It's been a while since we've done a rules refresher on the Rangers board. To remind everyone:
SPAM: A post with no content, that offers nothing to the discussion is considered spam. Examples:
OT photo or video response
If you don't care for a thread, don't read it. And certainly don't post in it. Posts will be deleted without explanation. Repeat offenders will receive a spamming infraction.
REDUNDANT THREADS: Read before you post. 99% of new threads are moved, closed and deleted because the discussion is already taking place in another thread
Is your topic “thread worthy� Topics NEED to be a jumping off point for a discussion, as opposed to a random thought or rant.
BAITING/INCITING/TROLLING: We reserve the right to shut down any thread that serves only to get a rise out of fellow members. Too often, nothing constructive comes from these discussion and we’re left to moderate a pissing contest and clean up the mess.
FLAMING: Do not criticize fellow members on a personal level and do not insult them. Do not use sweeping generalizations to attack opposing points of view ("Anyone that believes xxxxx is an idiot!"). Be respectful of other users.
AIRING OF GRIEVANCES: Matters of board business are not to be discussed in the forum. If you have question, comment or issue with an Administrator or Moderator, please handle it via PM’s. That includes concerns about the board policy. Do not discuss warnings, infractions or post deletions on the boards. If a moderator issues a directive in the thread, it's not for discussion.
WISHING DEATH/INJURY: To put it bluntly, it won’t be tolerated under any circumstance. Posts will be deleted and the appropriate infraction applied. This applies to players, coaches, officials, owners, public figures, board members, and anyone else.
If you encounter a post that you think may violate HF's policies, or board protocol, please report the post in question. Do not respond to the post--all that does is create more of a mess to be cleaned up.
HF Rules in full:
HF Support Board:
HF News/Announcements:
SPAM: A post with no content, that offers nothing to the discussion is considered spam. Examples:
OT photo or video response
If you don't care for a thread, don't read it. And certainly don't post in it. Posts will be deleted without explanation. Repeat offenders will receive a spamming infraction.
REDUNDANT THREADS: Read before you post. 99% of new threads are moved, closed and deleted because the discussion is already taking place in another thread
Is your topic “thread worthy� Topics NEED to be a jumping off point for a discussion, as opposed to a random thought or rant.
BAITING/INCITING/TROLLING: We reserve the right to shut down any thread that serves only to get a rise out of fellow members. Too often, nothing constructive comes from these discussion and we’re left to moderate a pissing contest and clean up the mess.
FLAMING: Do not criticize fellow members on a personal level and do not insult them. Do not use sweeping generalizations to attack opposing points of view ("Anyone that believes xxxxx is an idiot!"). Be respectful of other users.
AIRING OF GRIEVANCES: Matters of board business are not to be discussed in the forum. If you have question, comment or issue with an Administrator or Moderator, please handle it via PM’s. That includes concerns about the board policy. Do not discuss warnings, infractions or post deletions on the boards. If a moderator issues a directive in the thread, it's not for discussion.
WISHING DEATH/INJURY: To put it bluntly, it won’t be tolerated under any circumstance. Posts will be deleted and the appropriate infraction applied. This applies to players, coaches, officials, owners, public figures, board members, and anyone else.
If you encounter a post that you think may violate HF's policies, or board protocol, please report the post in question. Do not respond to the post--all that does is create more of a mess to be cleaned up.
HF Rules in full:
HF Support Board:
HF News/Announcements: