HF Retro Game of the Year - 1997 - GoldenEye 007 Wins!

Game of the year back in 1997?

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The Crypto Guy

Registered User
Jun 26, 2017
WOW so many elite games here.

It's between FF7 and Goldeneye, but I don't know how I can not vote Goldeneye for that game changing multiplayer FPS mode and amazing single player mode.


You thrust your pelvis, huh!
Apr 12, 2010
MK64. I sunk days into that game.

I played FFVII years after release (and after FFIX at that) so I never really got the hype for it. It's a decent game on it's own but I don't think it's all that amazing.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2013
That's really hard.

Goldeneye kinda passed me by since i was like, maybe 4 when it came but that game's impact on console FPS games cannot really be understated. It was basically the first FPS game on consoles to play "okay-ish" after how much of a butcherjob the console ports of DOOM and Wolfenstein turned out to be. Goldeneye paved the way for actually enjoyable console FPS games like Halo, COD, blahblahblah.

Mario Kart 64 built on the foundation of the original Super Mario Kart, which all things considered was not really that good of a game. Busted AI that makes the modern rubberbanded of MK's Wii, 7 and 8 look like a joke, really wonky drifting mechanics compared to the rest as well to make a household favorite for multiplayer sessions. I also played that game a lot as a kid (admittedly never getting all that good at it because i was too busy trying to find a way into Peach's Castle on Royal Raceway. :laugh: )

I'll give my vote to MK64.


[1, 5, 6, 14]
Jul 13, 2007
The time trial stuff in GoldenEye single player was interesting but otherwise I thought the game was pretty bad, but I'd been playing Quake for a year already by the time it came out.

Quake 2's probably the most important game on the list, but engine aside it was a step down from Quake 1.

Symphony of the Night is probably the only game I'd have any interest in playing today.

Trap Jesus

Registered User
Feb 13, 2012
MK vs. Star Fox is super tough for me. Replayability vs. one of the best single player campaigns of my youth. Ultimately went with MK.

GoldenEye is/was way overrated.


[1, 5, 6, 14]
Jul 13, 2007
GoldenEye is/was way overrated.

Arguably the most ever.

There's a reason FPS on consoles didn't actually start to pick up until dual analog came along. One analog stick was enough to make games like GoldenEye and Turok functional, but they weren't good, and I never got the sense that their DNA really carried forward.
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Registered User
Apr 2, 2005
Vancouver, BC
Goldeneye is terrible and doesn't hold up at all, IMO.

1. Final Fantasy Tactics
2. Vampire Savior
3. Symphony of the Night
4. Saturn Bomberman
5. The King of Fighters 97'
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The Crypto Guy

Registered User
Jun 26, 2017
LOL at posters saying Goldeneye was overrated. It was probably the most influential console shooter of all time.

Going to guess posters saying that werent even born when it came out..


Registered User
May 3, 2016
With the possible exception of Half-Life (also overlooked I see), FF7 is probably the most important and influential game of the 90's. These results are strange.

Goldeneye, a shooter with abysmal controls and no draw distance which takes any precision or skill out of the game?

MK64, still years away from the fine tuning required to make the Mario Kart franchise actually fun?

FF7 was a pioneer in FMV and CGI. It had an insane $40 million marketing budget and the commercials made it seem like an action movie. It tricked people like me into trying it and falling in love with this new form of intelligent gamplay, cinematic storytelling and Japanese eccentricities. 21 years later and I still vastly prefer Japanese made games over Western ones, it all started with FF7. I know that's not an uncommon story either.

Squaresoft leaving Nintendo and developing Final Fantasy for the Playstation was the biggest coup in that generation of console wars. It kicked off a golden age of RPG's on the Playstation and established Sony as the home for interesting Japanese developers, a distinction they still hold 20 years later. FF7 has the most famous plot twist in gaming history. The game is so iconic that the remake announcement is still the biggest moment in E3 history.

If you're having a sleepover at 10 years old, yeah I guess Goldeneye is better. But FF7 was the game of the year and arguably the game of the 90's.
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Frankie Blueberries

Dream Team
Jan 27, 2016
Went with Mario Kart as it holds up and I still play it with friends to this date.
Goldeneye would be the best option at the time it was released. But yeah, that control scheme and those graphics did not age well.


[1, 5, 6, 14]
Jul 13, 2007
Went with Mario Kart as it holds up and I still play it with friends to this date.
Goldeneye would be the best option at the time it was released. But yeah, that control scheme and those graphics did not age well.

Goldeneye wasn't good when it came out, either. Like, Quake 2 is on this list. Quake 1 already existed. Goldeneye's controls were dated as soon as it was released.


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