Tribute Happy St. Patrick's and St. Joseph's


Registered User
Jun 11, 2010
Da Big Apple
Happy St. Patrick's (today) and St. Joseph's (Wed. the 19th) from
bernmeister, who happens to be the most Jewish looking Italian Catholic in NY [yet I schmooze w/everyone]

Enjoy this annual tradition for Patrick (who is rumored to have Italian roots).
One of these years I will have to get around to something appropriate for Joe as well...

too biz to dig up lyrics, and server issues not allowing me to pull them up from recent years here, so you'll have to settle for now for a listen to the mp3 of ....

Sing Praise to St. Patrick, copyright by Bernhard Christian Helgason, aka bernmeister, who authorizes its use here for non-commercial personal review

Erin go bragh

those who wanna buy a copy, go to


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Come out ye black and tans, come out and fight me like a man
Show your wife how you won medals down in Flanders
Tell her how the IRA made you run like hell away
From the green and lovely lanes of Killashandra
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So when I was a kid my dad use to recite this bit from a GK Chesterton poem every once in a while:

'For the great Gaels of Ireland are the the men that God made mad
For all their wars are happy and all their songs are sad'

Keeping in mind that Chesterton was something of a dipshit Englishman. It's not hard to figure out--basically what he was saying is that we like to fight. Generally though I think it comes down to the British state throughout the centuries have had a talent for bringing out the worst in everybody just because they were always about exploitation, intrigue, torture and murder.
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So when I was a kid my dad use to recite this bit from a GK Chesterton poem every once in a while:

'For the great Gaels of Ireland are the the men that God made mad
For all their wars are happy and all their songs are sad'

Keeping in mind that Chesterton was something of a dipshit Englishman. It's not hard to figure out--basically what he was saying is that we like to fight. Generally though I think it comes down to the British state throughout the centuries have had a talent for bringing out the worst in everybody just because they were always about exploitation, intrigue, torture and murder.
Hell yeah we like to fight

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as an Italian Jew I have no connection to this holiday (other than my drinking habit) but I always enjoyed it as the first festive day of the year after a long dark winter.

Brighter times ahead.
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I was having trouble forcing myself to eat full meals for 2-3 months. Saturday I started eating corn beef and red potatoes and have been chowing on them for 3 days.
Happy St. Patrick's (today) and St. Joseph's (Wed. the 19th) from
bernmeister, who happens to be the most Jewish looking Italian Catholic in NY [yet I schmooze w/everyone]

Enjoy this annual tradition for Patrick (who is rumored to have Italian roots).
One of these years I will have to get around to something appropriate for Joe as well...

too biz to dig up lyrics, and server issues not allowing me to pull them up from recent years here, so you'll have to settle for now for a listen to the mp3 of ....

Sing Praise to St. Patrick, copyright by Bernhard Christian Helgason, aka bernmeister, who authorizes its use here for non-commercial personal review

Erin go bragh

those who wanna buy a copy, go to

