Kaako Kappo
Kaako Kappo
Another game... pretty much exactly to spec. I must say, this team just can't overachieve. But neither does it underachieve royally.
This was, btw, as a whole, the most constant game this far. This team's on an upward trend.
Now, as for Marjamäki's status... well, basically nothing's changed in my opinion. It all still hinges on whether they miss the QF or not. If they do, then there should be no other option than letting him go, whether it's really all his fault or no. You can't blame a coach for the results in single games, but he does carry the main responsibility of the overall result.
There is no ****ing upward trend. The opponents have been garbage aside from the Czech, and our game has looked like ******* since beginning. Nothing has evolved.