But the point than lower against the best (than either mid or lowest) show how strange it is to say there is no support for the idea that Gretzky scoring went down against better defense and maybe more than the average superstars, that directly in line with the idea.
Okay, I get what you're saying, but my argument here is premised on my doubt that Gretzky's range of scoring vs. said teams changed during this period of the late-80s / early-90s.
So, to remind everyone, I already looked at Gretzky from ’88 to ’91. I’ll show those stats again, but let’s add in Lemieux and Yzerman just for interest’s sake (I don’t have enough time to do this for other players, but if anyone wants to, have at ‘er…). The point, however, is to compare Wayne’s levels of scoring changes, if any, vs. top-, middle-, and bottom-level defense from the 1984-1987 period to the 1988-1991 period.
1983-84 through 1986-87
Goals-per-game by Strength-of-Opponents
Gretzky vs. Top Teams = 0.75 GPG
Gretzky vs. Middle Teams = 0.90 GPG
Gretzky vs. Bottom Teams = 0.94 GPG
(= 25% less from vs. top to vs. bottom)
Yzerman vs. Top Teams = 0.36 GPG
Yzerman vs. Middle Teams = 0.38 GPG
Yzerman vs. Bottom Teams = 0.42 GPG
(= 17% less from vs. top to vs. bottom)
(Lemieux is only from 1984-85, of course, so his is only a 3-season aggregate):
Lemieux vs. Top Teams = 0.51 GPG
Lemieux vs. Middle Teams = 1.00 GPG
Lemieux vs. Bottom Teams = 0.67 GPG
(= 31% less from vs. top to vs. bottom)
Goals-per-game by Defensive-Opponents
Gretzky vs. Top Defences = 0.74 GPG
Gretzky vs. Middle Defences = 0.81 GPG
Gretzky vs. Bottom Defences = 0.99 GPG
(= 34% less from vs. top to vs. bottom)
Yzerman vs. Top Defences = 0.43 GPG
Yzerman vs. Middle Defences = 0.34 GPG
Yzerman vs. Bottom Defences = 0.42 GPG
+2% MORE from vs. top to vs. bottom)
Lemieux vs. Top Defences = 0.60 GPG
Lemieux vs. Middle Defences = 0.60 GPG
Lemieux vs. Bottom Defences = 0.81 GPG
(= 35% less from vs. top to vs. bottom)
1987-88 through 1990-91
Goals-per-game by Strength-of-Opponents
Gretzky vs. Top Teams = 0.52 GPG
Gretzky vs. Middle Teams = 0.64 GPG
Gretzky vs. Bottom Teams = 0.66 GPG
(= 27% less from vs. top to vs. bottom)
Yzerman vs. Top Teams = 0.82 GPG
Yzerman vs. Middle Teams = 0.78 GPG
Yzerman vs. Bottom Teams = 0.69 GPG
(= 16% MORE from vs. top to vs. bottom)
Lemieux vs. Top Teams = 0.73 GPG
Lemieux vs. Middle Teams = 1.05 GPG
Lemieux vs. Bottom Teams = 0.86 GPG
(= 18% less from vs. top to vs. bottom)
Goals-per-game by Defensive-Opponents
Gretzky vs. Top Defences = 0.48 GPG
Gretzky vs. Middle Defences = 0.75 GPG
Gretzky vs. Bottom Defences = 0.59 GPG
(= 23% less from vs. top to vs. bottom)
Yzerman vs. Top Defences = 0.68 GPG
Yzerman vs. Middle Defences = 0.79 GPG
Yzerman vs. Bottom Defences = 0.78 GPG
(= 15% less from vs. top to vs. bottom)
Lemieux vs. Top Defences = 0.86 GPG
Lemieux vs. Middle Defences = 0.94 GPG
Lemieux vs. Bottom Defences = 0.92 GPG
(= 7% less from vs. top to vs. bottom)
So, a few things are interesting here:
-- GRETZKY: In the latter period, the difference between his goal-scoring vs. top-teams/defenses and bottom teams/defenses is actually
less than in the earlier period. That is, when he was still in his goal-scoring peak years (’84 to ’87 being some of that), he scored goals at a more disproportionate rate (in terms of strong opponent vs. weak) than in the later period. (If he were now having more trouble scoring goals because of stronger team defenses, surely this would not be the case? He would instead be scoring more of his goals, per opportunity, vs. the weaker teams than he had been in the past. But he wasn’t.)
-- LEMIEUX had a little more trouble scoring at normal rates vs. top teams in his first three seasons… but that’s his first three seasons, so maybe not unexpected.
-- LEMIEUX and YZERMAN were both right at their goal-scoring peaks in the latter period, so not surprisingly they both look great. Yzerman in particular has fairly astonishing results in terms of goal-scoring vs. harder opposition (relative to his own standard). He scored goals at a higher rate against top teams than against bottom teams in the ’88 to ’91 period. (However, he still scored less vs. top defenses than against bottom ones.)
(NOTE: Although these statistic should be accurate, they also are not that significant by virtue of the somewhat arbitrary three levels I’ve used. For the ‘top’ clubs, I used the top-6 of the period, and for the middle and bottom clubs, I used teams 8-14 and 15-21 respectively (i.e., 7 clubs in each level. The idea is just to give a broad picture.)
So, getting back to Gretzky’s goal scoring, this is what I’ve established up to now in terms of the reasons Gretzky’s goal-scoring declined (in ’88 to ’91) from previously superhuman to merely ‘great’:
-- It wasn’t because he could only score vs. weaker defenses (as the stats above show).
-- It wasn’t because less of his shots were beating goalies (his shooting percentage didn’t change the first few years in L.A…. In fact, it was on par with Brett Hull’s).
-- It wasn’t because he couldn’t produce overall points or ES points (as late as 1991, he was having the highest ES points-seasons in NHL history).
-- It
was partly because he took fewer shots (from 337 shots/season to 263 shots/season in the latter period).
-- It
was partly because he was gradually changing to be more of a ‘perimeter’ player who didn’t drive the net, and thus fewer of his shots were from in close.
The shots on goal is significant. Per his shooting percentage over the latter period, if he had been taking the extra shots that he was getting during the ’84 to ’87 period, he’d likely have scored 13 more goals per season. Thus, his first three years in L.A. change from 47 goals / 80 games to 60 goals / 80 games.
As to why Gretzky shifted to the perimeter more and rarely charged the net from around the late 1980s, I could only speculate. However, we should remember some things that were happening in this period: As late as 1987, Gretzky was still saying that he planned to retire young, and hockey guides (like one I had as a kid) stated that it was “impossible to imagine him playing past his 30th birthday.” The knee-injury in late December 1987 coincided with his engagement to his future wife, and after his marriage he was on his way to L.A. to start a new life in a new city with a baby on the way and suddenly a huge contract. From that point, a longer career spread out in front of him with big money. I would imagine from this point, one of his priorities was self-preservation, which likely resulted in taking fewer and fewer chances with the body.
One thing I can see as a point of dispute on this thread is the REASON Gretzky started taking fewer shots. That is indeed harder to identify. Is it (as some claim) that defenses were better and thus he couldn’t get into position to shoot as much? Or is it (as I would claim) that he wasn’t as willing to get into the shooting lanes as often due to self-preservation? It might be a combination of both of those.
However, I maintain that the notion of Gretzky scoring fewer goals because of better League defenses / goaltender / player-depth
in the 1987-88 to 1990-91 period is a nonsense.