This is what people who crap on the World Hockey Championships and on having "lesser" teams participate in tourneys don't understand.
It's stupid easy to cheer for a good team or a top 3 team or whatever. It's stupid easy to cheer for Canada's National Men's Ice Hockey Team. Stupid easy. You don't have to feel much stress if any at all. You just go and get to cheer and say yay we're the best!
That's not being a good fan. That's just being a fan.
You know what's hard? Being a fan of a team that might not score a single goal in the whole tournament - the Hungarians, the Latvians, the Danes etc... they're not only fans, they're super fans.. they throw every possible thing they can behind their national teams to will them on. They sing, they dance, they make banners, they TRAVEL huge distances together! To see a team that will be desperate to scrape by. It's a community: of fans, and of players. That is a beautiful thing to see and in my opinion, makes these tournaments incredibly special to see these little communities come in and out, seeing how they fare, and eventually grow and evolve.
Canadians (and to a lesser extent Americans) don't understand this. Just look at Canada's support for our other national teams (soccer, baseball, baseketball)... we don't travel or support like the Hungarians do in Ice Hockey (as an example). Why bother, we say, we suck anyways..let us know when the team will win.
Canadians are easy fans.