Eagle Eye Cherry
guitar player
I don't think goaltenders in this tournament were really a factor in this tournament. In fact, goaltending in the olympics was not that important and is overrated. I actually think it's a joke. anyone could've been a goalie for any country.
Why? Here's my reasons.
1. You had guys like Edgar Masaļskis, Jan Laco, Lars Haugen and a bunch of no-name non NHL goaltending scrubs holding their own against basically NHL all star teams (Sweden, Canada, USA, etc). Those kinda players would never make the NHL but still played like a NHL starting goaltender which kinda proves it doesn't really take much to backstop a country in Olympic hockey tournament. So Olympic goaltending is overrated, anyone can do it. Even a pylon.
2. Look at Team Canada for example, in the semi-final game against the USA. Price hardly had anything to do in the game. Most of the time he was standing around and whenever he faced shots, it wasn't deadly, just to the chest.
Heck, I bet Team Canada could've won Gold medal in this tournament with Joey McDonald if they wanted to.
3. Because this tournament is pretty short, goaltenders are not really required to perform like a stud for a long time and essentially show their true colors like a Masaļskis or Laco who are not impressive at all for their respective clubs. So because of the tournament's format, it kinda masks the crappy goalies from looking crappy. Also the big ice helps a lot.
So basically, any bonehead can be a goaltender in the Olympics.
Why? Here's my reasons.
1. You had guys like Edgar Masaļskis, Jan Laco, Lars Haugen and a bunch of no-name non NHL goaltending scrubs holding their own against basically NHL all star teams (Sweden, Canada, USA, etc). Those kinda players would never make the NHL but still played like a NHL starting goaltender which kinda proves it doesn't really take much to backstop a country in Olympic hockey tournament. So Olympic goaltending is overrated, anyone can do it. Even a pylon.
2. Look at Team Canada for example, in the semi-final game against the USA. Price hardly had anything to do in the game. Most of the time he was standing around and whenever he faced shots, it wasn't deadly, just to the chest.
Heck, I bet Team Canada could've won Gold medal in this tournament with Joey McDonald if they wanted to.
3. Because this tournament is pretty short, goaltenders are not really required to perform like a stud for a long time and essentially show their true colors like a Masaļskis or Laco who are not impressive at all for their respective clubs. So because of the tournament's format, it kinda masks the crappy goalies from looking crappy. Also the big ice helps a lot.
So basically, any bonehead can be a goaltender in the Olympics.