I listened to the CBJ mailbog with Bob McElligot from Monday and one of the questions was about what type of questions do you think are asked. Of course he indicated he had no idea (that's not a knock, he really doesn't know since he's not in the loop), however, he offered a few questions (logical for anyone that follows hockey in my opinion) that I really liked. The one that caught me the most and I hadn't really put thought about it in this regard was when asking about what a potential GM thinks about the roster and pipeline how would they handle it? What got my attention was, and in hindsight it makes a ton of sense, he "answered" by saying he would point out the redundancies on the roster and decide who you can't move and who you'd like to have but could be moved to remove the redundancy and create value elsewhere. For example, how many small, skilled wingers do we have and while they may all have upside or be good players, who do you keep and then if you can move others, do so to add, maybe, a powerforward with skill/grit, etc.
For me personally I have always been an optimist with our prospects and tend to value them higher than others, but thinking back to the earlier discussion (Pinelli, Dumais, Brindley, TFW, Whitelaw, Gaudreau, among others) we do have a lot of players of similar skill sets (I realize Brindley is not the same as Pineli, etc. - maybe he doesn't fit but I was looking more size, skill and in the group I would think Brindley would be the highest on the board). This would have to be viewed across the entire roster and pipeline but if you then ranked them, you would hope the new GM could identify who he thinks would be the best to keep short and long term and then use the other assets wisely to add to the team with a different skill set that compliments or enhances the roster. We can't keep them all but the new GM will NEED to ensure he's got a good handle on picking the BEST fits to keep.
Hope this made some sense. Ultimately, for me, I would keep them all (hence a failed GM
) but thinking about it differently I'm hopeful the new GM comes with that approach. For some of us it will be hard to see some of these players go but if the return moves the needle forward short and long term... then I would support it. I have not looked that deeply into our full roster but I know we have a lot of "similar" type players and we need to shake that up along with the culture.