This was very close and I sort of fell victim to my own definition of the different tiers. Let me elaborate a little on the circumstances:
I had Kechter ahead of everyone else for a while since I saw him just flat out dominating at the U15 and then U17 level in Germany. At that time I had not seen Lutz at all and knew nothing about him.
When I finally saw them both play for Germany in 2019 (U16 and U17), their production was similar (Lutz scored 2 more points at the U17 level I believe), but I thought Kechter was driving and impacting the play more. The difference was not great, but I still felt not comfortable to put Lutz in the same tier as Kechter, because I had seen so little of him, and had no infos on his play for Salzburg.
This season I have not seen Kechter and only a little of Lutz (where he played very well and impressed me a lot). Based on this I was actually ready to put them in the same tier, I just wasn't sure if I should move Lutz up to A or Kechter down to B.
And this is where my own definition for the tiers became problematic, because even though I consider Kechter and Lutz to be of very similar quality (as far as I can tell given the extremely limited viewings recently) I think Kechter has a better chance of being a higher draft pick (Tier A: Players I expect to get drafted in the first 3 rounds), simply because he plays in Sweden, whereas Lutz may get less exposure and thus fall to a later round.
Thank you for your comment which made me reconsider my approach. I think I will revise my definition a little, so that external circumstances like I described here won't factor in and I'll go just by skill, potential, etc., and make some changes accordingly, though Lutz might be the only player affected by this. I hoope this clarifies things, and if you ever have any input on players feel free to share, I am always interested in even the smallest scraps of information about these players that might inform my opinions.
It will probably be a few days, before I get around to rewriting the definitions. Everybody feel free to pester me about this if I haven't got it done by the middle of next week, because if that's the case I have likely forgotten, due to work something unimportant like that.