Ziggy Stardust
Master Debater
Los Angeles Kings
Trevor Lewis
Alec Martinez
Jake Muzzin
Jordan Nolan
Los Angeles Kings
Trevor Lewis
Alec Martinez
Jake Muzzin
Jordan Nolan
Los Angeles Kings
Trevor Lewis
Alec Martinez
Jake Muzzin
Jordan Nolan
I defriended all of these guys of Facebook for doing this.
It was to be expected.
Now here is where we will see some movement in our line up.
I defriended all of these guys of Facebook for doing this.
That is some balls for Martinez and Nolan, who had off years. Muzzin is a rookie coming off a good year. Lewis is a Sutter favorite.
I defriended all of these guys of Facebook for doing this.
Don't forget to unfollow them on Twitter
So pretty much everyone except Clifford lol
Lombardi on if a deal w/ Clifford is imminent- 'It gets closer every day, but is it close enough...don't think we're far off w/ any of them'
I'm thinking that the risk of Martinez getting a substantial raise via arbitration. I also believe that once a player's new contract is awarded through arbitration, the team cannot trade the player for a full year? I know that is the case for matching an offer sheet, but need clarification if that is also the case for an arbitration award.
Muzzin had a good month, not year imo. To top it off it only came when he was paired with doughnuts so he got some space. If any of these guys win their case I really hope the door doesn't hit them on the way out.
I don't really get these bottom tiered guys thinking they deserve more, they are a dime a dozen and would rather watch rookies play in their place.