You wrote a hell of a lot of boilerplate "let's not rush to judgement!" pablum just to try to slide your real grievance in there. And it's a dumb one.
For the very reasons the mods are skittish about us using names (because we're children and can't be trusted to accurately portray information without them maybe getting sued). Print journalism is held to a high standard, and you will get precisely-contextualized and legally accurate information more often in a newspaper than you will get on a cable broadcast or a social feed.
It's especially funny in this case, because the Globe and Mail article being discussed is based on a f***ing court filing. So it's not as if there's some "sources say!" business where you can just all-knowingly cast aside the veracity of "sources." They're just writing about a piece of paper, that verifiably exists and verifiably says those things, and doing it for you because your lazy ass isn't going to wander down to that courthouse and request it.
It's like you f***ed up your pipes or toilet or some shit doing whatever. You call up a plumber. He gives you an estimate and the price is high, and he tells you you shouldn't be doing whatever the f*** you did that blew up your toilet. When you ask an expert sometimes you're not gonna like what you hear, but your response should not be: "f*** all plumbers you can't trust plumbers plumbing is a lie!"