Artorius Horus T
Could be a quality prospect
5 foot 8
Age 14
Has a commanding lead in the league in goals and points this season
10 point lead to the number 2;
1. Parfitt 28 points
2. Castronuovo 18 points
12 point lead within team
1. Parfitt 28 points
2. Vogt 16 points
5 goal lead to the number 2
1. Parfitt 15 goals
2. Cole 10 goals
8 goal lead within team
1. Parfitt 15 goals
2 Griffin 7 goals
5 foot 8
Age 14
Has a commanding lead in the league in goals and points this season
10 point lead to the number 2;
1. Parfitt 28 points
2. Castronuovo 18 points
12 point lead within team
1. Parfitt 28 points
2. Vogt 16 points
5 goal lead to the number 2
1. Parfitt 15 goals
2. Cole 10 goals
8 goal lead within team
1. Parfitt 15 goals
2 Griffin 7 goals