This is a prime example of how much team context can impact the success of euro import in the CHL. Hopefully some of the future Swiss prospects and their agents will take note from this and evaluate a possible move to the CHL a bit more carefully than it has been done before. If you look at interviews of such prospects from the last few years you can't help but get the impression that some of those players are just reporting blindly to the teams that picked them in the import draft. While there are always uncertainties with such endeavours, I feel like doing the most basic research could definitely avoid some major career setbacks for our junior talent.
Good for Braillard to be turning it around though. He was always a prospect that had pro upside in my opinion. Good for the Swiss team in the upcoming WJC too.
For as long as the Swiss junior leagues are trash, you just don't have many options as a high profile Swiss born prospect. Also, the CHL leagues are the world's top junior leagues. If you're prepared to go abroad as a kid and are ready for everything that comes with it then you should absolutely take the chance and I don't know how much you can really evaluate before. Playing on a bad team in the CHL can be tough but you're more likely to get quality TOI.
If you get a chance to play SL or NL early on my general recommendation would be to stay in Switzerland but if not, I think leaving for NA (or Sweden as a really good option) is better than to play U20 elites. I don't think playing U20 elites is ideal for your draft year but surely you should move on post draft.
I think if you go to NA you just need to be determined to put the work in even if things don't go your way. Braillard certainly did that. His first year wasn't good enough but he was ready for the 2nd and didn't give up even after getting waived.
In Braillard's case I think Shawinigan just made a mistake. Barbashev is a good player in his own right but so is Braillard and he had a good start to the season in Shawinigan as well. Also, Shawinigan isn't a contender and Braillard is two years younger. Even if they were a contender, keeping Braillard over Barbashev would have allowed them to dress an extra overager.
Anyway, no harm done for Braillard. Lethbridge isn't necessarily a contender either but probably has better odds for a playoff run than Shawinigan just because the team is more solid and has a better goalie. The WHL might also be the most wide open of CHL leagues this year. In any way, Braillard is just exactly what Lethbridge needed because they didn't really have a similar player besides Miguel Marques. I think the Hurricanes probably have to break them up but eventually but Marques and Braillard are certainly a lot to handle for opponents at the moment.