but but but what about Ice District.
We were told when this build out was financed this would be an entertainment mecca with several people place draws to it.
man, so many places closed DT as well due to pandemic, DT decline, and people staying away. For instance I used to recommend looking around the Arts District, I don't now.
The places that work here as recommendations are Fort Edmonton, University, Legislature, river valley because of them being unique appeals and entities that make up what Edmonton is as a city. Fort Edmonton fairly nails it with its location next to riverbank access to the river that gave birth to exploration of this area.
Side comment but the City banked on Louise McKinney infrastructure and promenade being such an appeal and put the Funicular down there to increase access except its poorly monitored, often vandalized, often closed. So much investment in that area and so little oversight.
The one promenade I would recommend is from High Level Bridge to 121 street. Victoria Promenade is nice year round and good spot to look at river, the city, U of A etc across the banks. After a bite at High street area with multiple options. I did mention the High level streetcar as well. Its an interesting ride and it'll feel very um, elevated. It offers some fantastic views.