The way the contracts turned out was such a bummer. Marner in particular still leaves such a sour taste in my mouth. Overall, I think we honestly came out of it pretty okay in that only JT is overpaid and at least it's not crippling. That's the crux of the core 4 issue though, is that it might just be too much cap tied in too few when the playoffs roll around.Yup loved the signing at the time. Thought it would make us contenders. Times changed, we still aren't, but Dubas hasn't been willing to look a the cap allocation and make adjustments. In his own words he's staked his career on the core 4.
I also seem to recall Dubas meeting with the three amigos before signing JT, and they were all on board. Except when it came to their own contracts
But I do give Dubas credit for adjusting literally everything else about the team. He may have staked his career on the big4, but I look at our defense and think I'd like him to be the one who handles the shakeup.