From the closed next coach thread:
Tremendous find by @RangerBoy, did you listen to the whole thing? I often turn off a few minutes before a podcast ends, real nugget there at the end!!
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I was going to say "would be really be interested in an assistant position behind a guy who just signed a 5 year contract" but then again if he's interested in trying to make a career as a NHL head coach, paying your dues as an assistant for a couple of years is a good way to do it.
Yeah, and he knows Lundqvist and Ziba very well. I think those two surely would sing his praises if asked about him. Besides the WCH, Grönborg coached when Ziba scored the Gold clincher in the WJCs. He coached Hank to gold last season in the WCH, showed a lot of faith in Ziba this tournament. Quinn and Grönborg's styles are also very compatible.
Cool, bring him in. Bring in all the Swedes. Coaches, players, scouts, whoever. The Swedes have a great program--national team, SHL, J20 and J18, all of it. I welcome their presence in our organization in any capacity.
Based on what that article reads as, he seems to be a better fit as an assistant who can work more with an individual group of players
a euro coach??
rip turge
I would be more interested in Pesan than Gronborg
I think the NHL is a Good Old Boys club, like most of North American professional sports. I think you break into the coaching and front office ranks through your relationships, and given that there are exponentially more relationships involving North American players (since they make up the bulk of the players in the NHL), most of those spots go to Canadian and American guys. And there's also probably an inherent bias towards Canadian and America candidates as well.Why do you think there aren't more Swedish coaches in the league? Do you think, in general, the organizations or the prospective coaches are the limiting step?
He was named to the "Advisory Group" with Shero and Bowman and whoever else, assisting the GM of Team USA, Zito. I assume he was just over there in his capacity with USA Hockey, and since he helped pick the roster for the tournament. However, he definitely could have had conversations with Gronborg while there.Could this be part of the reason Gorton was over in Europe?