Me as well, I suppose facts are facts. Originally thought quite the overreaction, and living in Florida where we deal with hurricanes seasonally........reminded me of such. Difference is the PANIC isnt/wasnt quite the same. THIS, is picking up steam, whereas Hurricanes are more immediate panic.
Media has everything to do with the state of PANIC, but I suppose awareness is essential......and that IS the job of being associated with the NEWS teams, reporters.....everyone involved.
Used to be you just got the "info" from the TV, but now......need I say more? I preface with I know lives are in danger, but.......
My question is.......what in the heck am I supposed to do with my life now? With.....
NO Sports whatsoever? No Rangers, (OMG) No Metsies, just as bad (immediate) No Jets (future).......well, that might be such a bad thing. Help Me, Help us all!