Don Chytil
Registered User
Vote accordingly? Vote for who? Which hiding Politician? The opposition in which one in his basement or the one we can’t find? NONE, NOBODY has had ever had to deal with something like this. Meanwhile, the economy, jobs market, etc we’re flying before this. There is zero indication anybody could have handled this.
Here's the thing - nobody has had to deal with something like this, but literally almost anybody would deal with it better. He told the Vice President not to call governors who don't "appreciate" the White House's COVID efforts. But the VP called anyway because he realizes that there are more important concerns than showing "appreciation" for the president. Now, I strongly, strongly despise our VP. But the point is that it doesn't take some amazing display of leadership to handle this situation better than he has. Even the country's worst politicians would handle it with more grace, empathy, and competency. It's not hard to see that, and I've seen some of his most loyal supporters admit it.