eco's bones
Registered User
If this happens, our transition to dictatorial banana republic will be complete.
The reason why it’s a problem that the president’s signature is on these checks is because he’s taking credit for something that he didn’t do, and implying that this is a gesture of his generosity and benevolence. That’s not what this is. The money we are getting back is OUR money, not his. He doesn’t control our money, no single person does. He’s trying to change that perception.
I understand where you're coming from. It wasn't even his idea--I think his arch-nemesis in the Republican Senate Mitt Romney was first to come up with it. He loves to take credit for the positive efforts and ideas of other people. Kind of like a hornet that takes over a honeybee's nest. It's despicable. As far as America being like a banana republic--well generally it acts in the interests not of the population but of corporate interests and super wealthy and that's been an ongoing project from one administration to the next and without fail since Ronald Reagan started incorporating Milton Friedman's predatorial neo-liberal economic theories into our version of what capitalism is. Wealth is indemnified--poverty is not. In times of economic instability wealthy entities are bailed out as in 2009 and the population pays for it--also as in who almost all tax legislation is targeted to benefit--again it benefits corporations and the wealthy and not regular ordinary people. The Bush tax cuts that Obama protected. The Trump tax bill and even in this stimulus there is a massive bailout of the rich as 17 million Americans lose their jobs altogether. Biden is part of this corporate friendly picture too. Would he put his signature on a future stimulus check. Probably not but how much does it really matter. Biden if he does win the presidency is going to whether he likes it or not have to figure out how to restructure an economy with a massive employment and housing problem (millions of people not able to meet their rent or house payments)---with a massive climate change issue fueling all this as well. Do I think he or Trump are up for this job? No. They're going to have to deal with it anyway. So we're already kind of a banana republic right now but one with over 1000 overseas military bases and a massive nuclear arsenal.