Proposal: But not a trade proposal


Registered User
Jun 17, 2010
Atlanta Ga
I was thinking that the NHL needs something to make fans happy again and I had an idea. I am posting it here at the entirely non judgemental Flyers Board (hee, hee).

What if the NHL sold their 2013 draft positions to the highest bidders? Then they use the money that they got to give cash to eveyone going through the ticket takers.

If you got the Flyers to shell out $15,000,000 for the rights to an early pick, the Leafs , say 12,000,000, get the Rangers, Montreal, etc... all the big gun teams to pay out I bet you could get a $50,000,000 pool up. You don't think the Flyers wouldn't pay $15,000,000 to get a cost controlled Seth Jones for 5 years?

The money would then be divided up among the fans attending the games. I think putting a $5 bill in everyones hands who walks in the door (which will almost entirely be spent at the games) would be a great thank you to the people who stuck by the league. $5 seems like a pittance but it would be a great gesture, even better if the teams match it.

The money would create controversy - rich versus poor - sell tickets and create buzz that the sport has lost. It would also put stars in towns that support hockey which would create more interest and reward the best hockey towns. If a team does not wish to participate they just go into a general lottery for the non premium positions, but their fans would still get the cash.

It's a thought, flame it if you'd like.


Registered User
Aug 5, 2006
Greenfield, MA
Never heard this type of idea before, but it would certainly ruin that draft as teams needing a prospect boost would just write a blank check.

If you believe food money is enough to make the fans happy, then every team could just give out a gift card or a coupon for free nachos and a soda or something. Although I wouldn't expect to see this type of thing happen in any of the larger markets but probably teams like Phoenix or Florida.

Beef Invictus

Revolutionary Positivity
Dec 21, 2009
Armored Train
These guys prefer to take our money, not give it back. And we are going to keep on giving it to them once this is resolved.

The biggest moneymaking markets have people lined up to replace any seats that are vacated because of the lockout; minimal damage there. The poor markets? They would have lost money anyways, and the new CBA will soften the blow.
Feb 19, 2003
Concord, New Hampshire
yup, bottom line is the NHL and the NHLPA can say they care about the fans. Do they? As long as the arenas are filled every night they do.
They could double ticket prices to make up for lost revenue and the fans would still come back. Making signs, writing letters ect will not make a difference. Only thing that could make a difference league wide would never happen. empty seats. by the thousands.


Sep 24, 2009
For real? This is one of the more absurd proposals I have heard anywhere about anything.


Apr 5, 2009
Frost-Bite Fails Minnesota
Disregarding everything else that makes this idea far from possible... If the Flyers bought a high pick and handed me $5.00 I would bet the farm Luukko & Co. would raise my STH seats by $10.00 whining how they need the additional revenue in order to be able to compete and ice a quality team. We've been down similar roads before... only with simpler excuses. :shakehead


I Believe in G-Sus
Feb 3, 2010
This idea amuses me. If you'd like to push it a little towards feasibility, quick change:

Instead of $5 cash, give them a voucher for food or a gift certificate to the arena so they have to spend it there. Giving them money straight up will cost more. If you give them vouchers, the Flyers are putting nothing out of pocket.

I understand your point but you NEVER give out cash. You have to ensure it gets put back into the business you're trying to foster, and either method fosters good will.


Registered User
Jun 17, 2010
Atlanta Ga
This idea amuses me. If you'd like to push it a little towards feasibility, quick change:

Instead of $5 cash, give them a voucher for food or a gift certificate to the arena so they have to spend it there. Giving them money straight up will cost more. If you give them vouchers, the Flyers are putting nothing out of pocket.

I understand your point but you NEVER give out cash. You have to ensure it gets put back into the business you're trying to foster, and either method fosters good will.

Vouchers make more sense.


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