Defense has gotten leaky in the last two weeks .. After a lot of hard fought 1 goal games earlier in the year, that play as slipped as the goals have started coming in.
Ebbs and flows of the season for sure but it's something you don't want to see over a long period of time.
Also Campbell with his best save of the year.
Now that’s a solid statI like that we always follow up Regulation loss with a win! 16-3-1.
SourceNacionālās hokeja līgas (NHL) komanda Toronto “Maple Leafs” no Amerikas Hokeja līgas (AHL) kluba Toronto “Marlies” izsaukusi latviešu aizsargu Kristiānu Rubīnu, informē vienība. Viņš izsaukumu uz planētas spēcīgāko līgu izpelnījies otro reizi šosezon un jau šonakt piedzīvos debiju, apstiprinājis galvenais treneris Šeldons Kīfs. Spēles tiešraide būs vērojama platformā “Viaplay”. “Maple Leafs” nākamo maču aizvadīs 8. decembrī plkst. 2:00 pēc Latvijas laika savā laukumā pret Kolumbusas “Blue Jackets”, kuras vārtos stāsies Elvis Merzļikins, tādēļ būs vērojams latviešu derbijs. Rubīns uz NHL izsaukts kopā ar aizsargu Aleksu Biegu un uzbrucēju Aleksu Stīvsu. Tikmēr uzbrucējs Džojs Andersons devies uz “Marlies”, bet uzbrucējs Mičs Mārners un aizsargs Rasmuss Sandins ievietoti savainoto rezervistu sarakstā.
23 gadus vecais Rubīns šosezon 16 spēlēs AHL guvis vienus vārtus un atdevis trīs rezultatīvas piespēles, kopā sakrājot četrus punktus. Viņam arī sešas soda minūtes un pozitīvs lietderības koeficients plus četri.
“Maple Leafs” rezultatīvākais aizsargs šosezon ir Morgans Rīlijs, kuram 18 punkti 26 mačos. Viņam seko tādi aizsargi kā Džeiks Mazins (astoņi punkti), Sandins (astoņi punkti) un Tomass “TJ” Broudijs (pieci punkti). Tikmēr citi Rubīna konkurenti kā Traviss Dermots (divi punkti), Timotijs Liljegrens (divi punkti) un Džastins Dols (viens punkts) rezultatīvi spēlējuši tikai periodiski.
Defense has gotten leaky in the last two weeks .. After a lot of hard fought 1 goal games earlier in the year, that play as slipped as the goals have started coming in.
Ebbs and flows of the season for sure but it's something you don't want to see over a long period of time.
Also Campbell with his best save of the year.
Can't fall asleep like that in the 3rd against good teams
Solid game overall, Auston and Mo had incredible nights
Bunting is a steal
This regular season game of the Leafs vs Canadiens in the 40s is an absolute battleground
Bunting looking like the Younger Hyman 2.0.
What is our all time regular season record vs the jackets ?
If Rubins can step in and play like that the defense should be fine for depth
From Keefe's presser after the game,
"What it tells me, honestly: We are a tired group that needs time. Coming back from California and ending up out in Minnesota and Winnipeg, coming back late at four in the morning the next day… I feel like our team still needs to regroup itself. We are going to take a day off to do that tomorrow."