Stone Age Hockey
Here's the Beginnings episode on Dan Girardi that premiered tonight... figured I'd give it its own thread.
jeez G, teach landon to be more humble. kid is celebrating a goal even when he shoots wide. manly tears were shed d'awww. i guess if you own a chinese buffet in welland you name it after a japanese article of clothing lol
I'll definitely post it, don't know if I should make a new thread or just use this any chance of just having a Beginnings thread with the links to the players and sticky it maybe.. next is Ryan McDonagh...
I'll definitely post it, don't know if I should make a new thread or just use this one.
Anyone wanna tell me what beautiful (and unaffordable) he drives?
Nice episode. Thanks for the upload Charlie! Can I confirm that so far there's been: Staal, Boyle, Girardi, McDonaugh. Have I missed any? I think I may have recalled there one on one of the foreign players? Maybe Gabby?
Any chance you have the Steve Novak Beginnings?