I would not because Cozens can play Centre & that 4th line needs a legitimate centre & Gaudette is not a centre or very good at it. I also don't look at players basely on pts & rather look at how they fit on the team & whether they are making the players around them better & if the team is better with them in the lineup. Cozens on the 4th line would give us a legitimate C as I have said, some much needed size on the 4th line & a lot more toughness on that 4th line something else that is needed including a lot more hitting. I'm not suggesting for a second we move him there for those that see only this post & are not getting the gist of the conversation, Cozens is a top six player & should stay there, but this team could use a legitimate 4th C.
Blaming other players for a players inability to prove himself never works, it's not their fault, why can't Zetterlund as you say is a point producer create his own offence? If he were to show much more creativity & offence from the 4th line as, (I can't believe I'm going to say this) , as Gaudette who earlier was putting the puck in the net & some on here were calling for him to play with better players too. Over time we have seen he really doesn't belong in the top nine. Maybe Zetterlund does, but he has to show it & we have to stop blaming others for the failures of players when it is their responsibility to perform. I understand placing a player in a position to succeed, but the player also has to bear responsibility for his own success by proving to the coach he deserves it. Both special teams have been very good this yr as has their defensive play & really their own weakness seems to be scoring 5 on 5 which I expect is a blip & could change at anytime.
It's not my fault my work is not done teacher, it's their fault, I should be sitting with the smart kids at the front of the class where their intelligents will rub off on me & I'll be a lot smarter.