might want to check up on those stats. Guns are no more likely to make somone commit suicide, the majority of mass shootings are gang related. Just not reported by media that way. KC parade is a perfect example of that.
Women are way more likely to be saved and protected by a gun. Hundreds of times higher than being killed by one. Does it make it eaasier to kill themselves with a gun. Yes, but that isn't the reason they do it. They clearly have mental health or situatinal issues and can committ suicide dozens of other ways. Suicide rates among other countries show that gun ownership or lack of gun ownership doesn't stop it. For instance south Korea gun owner ship is very strict yet suicide rate is signifigantly higher. than the US. Jamaica has among the worst gun crime in the world, yet bottom ten out of countries with an extemely low suicide rate. there is zero evidence that more gun ownership leads to more suicides.
Since the KC shooting aprox 100 people have been killed, many of them children by gang violence with illegal guns. But the media doesn't want to report that. I was anti-gun about 6-7 years ago. Then I started doing research and am now pro gun.