Here's where things stand in my orbit now that Colorado is gone and what I think is best for the Rangers:
Vancouver-Give them their 1st ever Cup finally after 50 years and all of Canada will be happy and maybe they'll build more Tim Horton's here
Dallas-I dunno why as I don't particularly like them since Modano left but I'd rather them than Vegas who doesn't deserve a Cup so soon.
Tampa-Seeing they would have beaten Philly or the Islanders which is good for us, and tho I 'm still pissed about 2015, I'd be OK with a Cup for them.
Vegas-Only because I'd rather them than either the Flyers or Islanders...pretty simple as it's lesser of both evils
Philly-Because they would have beaten the hated Islanders, I'd throw them a bone even tho I can't stand them. But hate the Isles more.
Isles- Really? This doesn't even need to be discussed...enough said