In regards to coronavirus and going to NHL games:
Based on what I learned yesterday, I would not recommend it. Back in CZE, the ball of our medical school just got cancelled. We had a meeting with the faculty yesterday to explain the reasons behind the decision, including epidemiologists, public health professors and the head of the department for infectious diseases where half of the currently infected patients in our country are hospitalized atm.
There is no reason to panic as the letality rate is quite low, especially among healthy population with no serious comorbidities (diseases). While the currently given 3 percent figure is much higher than influenza for instance, some models expect that there the actual number of infected is as much as 20 times higher than the number of confirmed cases. This is due to the fact that the diseases can present with no to very mild symptoms, which would not be picked up on by public health offices around the globe as these infected people are not likely to seek medical help. This would also push the actual lethality rate down to 0.15 % and 0.01 % among young(ish) healthy adults and children. Which is actually very close to the numbers of influenza virus.
However, according to the current (still very circumstantial, I must stress out) evidence, the dose of the virus particles that infect the host also play a role in determining how sever the infection is going to be. This might explain the relatively high lethality among health care providers in Wu Han or tourists on the Diamond Princess Cruise, who were pretty healthy but were exposed to the virus for a prolonged period of time in a confined space. Which is the first clue as to why avoiding a confined space with a lot of people, e.g. a hockey game, might be a good idea.
Also, unlike with influenza, there is no vaccination or effective treatment of the minority of cases that are severe. At least not yet. Also, the fact that there are very likely 20 times as many infectious people running around who probably don't even know they are sick will very likely cause the number of confirmed cases (and by extension, the severe cases) to skyrocket in the immediate future. According to some of the experts, a large scale pandemic is unavoidable at this point. Some even go as far as suggesting that the majority of world's population will be exposed to the virus at some point.
The goal at the moment seems to be to slow down the epidemic as much as possible, rather than stop it, which night not be possible at this point, unless very draconic measures are implemented similarly to China, which seems impossible in most democratic countries. The point of slowing it down is to relieve the health care system which will be able to absorb a large number of people over a prolonged period of time, as opposed to overloading and collapsing in a case of quick outburst of infections. The overload can already be seen in hospitals in Northern Italy right now, where operating theatres had to be closed down to accomodate the sudden high rise of patients requiring ventilation, because the capacity in ICU units was no longer sufficient.
The other reason for slowing it down is to wait for the summer. The current coronavirus, much like other coronaviruses or influenza, seems to be seasonal. There seems to be no spreading of the infection in subtropical and tropical regions at the moment. This means that the current epidemic will subside once the temperatures rise. It might die down entirely or it might come back in Fall, no one really knows right now. However this will buy more time to develop a vaccine and an effective therapy.
Obviously, large gatherings of people are the last thing you want if your goal is to slow down the epidemic. Some of our experts yesterday even advocated for all large cultural events to be cancelled until late spring / early summer.
The bottom line is: Do not panic, this is more of an influenza on steroids, rather than an ebola outbreak. If you are relatively healthy, there is no reason to barricade yourself at home and not to go out. However, elderly people and those with chronic diseases (especially of the lungs and heart) or with compromised immune system (immune suppresion after transplantation, after chemotherapy etc.) would be well advised to stay at home. And if you are indeed healthy, please be responsible and don't go to events with lots of people in a confined space, try washing your hands regularly, limit touching your face with unwashed hands and stay home if you are sick. You might not even realize you were infected but you might infect someone else, who is already seriously ill. And people like these are the reason why exceptional epidemiological measures are absolutely warranted right now.