You know--I really don't see Reaves changing his path on that. To me it's more like Wilson didn't see him than Reaves blindsiding him. Wilson was going at some speed, makes his play and spins right into Reaves path who doesn't try to avoid hitting him but why should he? and anyway you see that big jackass and knowing his history coming right at you what would you think? (I'd be thinking what's this ****er trying to pull? is what) and Reaves obviously loved really belting him but again I don't really see Reaves changing his path and he doesn't hit him high at all. It wasn't particularly malicious and it wasn't predatory. That's not suspension worthy to me. I think the interference major/game misconduct was more than enough.
And by the way if Wilson is concussed---too bad. It might be the only way he'll ever learn.