Doubt it would have changed anything if the media brought it up or not. Once Provorov did it, it set a standard for all the others to follow suit. Nothing was cancelled until multiple players started sitting out and the NHL started to realize how the optics were on all of this so just took the easy way out and pulled the plug on it all.
I think if the League goes, it is up to players and teams….I can see medias will be hounding players who don’t wear pride jersey or use the tape during warmups.
To me it is no longer about players choice but more down to the Court of Public Opinion.
I don’t think banning all is the right solution but I really don’t see the League got any other choices.
I saw a clip somewhere someone-I believe he is an American Politician said something like he is against the tyranny of the minority. Which I totally agree and that’s pretty much what our society has become.