You guys are all way too calm! Like anything, this requires a twelves step plan.
1) Nuke Staples
2) Unleash locusts on Toyota Training Center
3) Find Yannic Perrault and Ross Perot to teach our centers how to win faceoffs
4) Find Billy Mays ashes and smoke them out of a hookah
5) Juan Uribe plays in goal next game
6) Put a Cal Worthington Statue outside of Staples
7) Admit there is a higher power.
8) FaceWash gets a tattoo of Tattoo from Fantasy Island
9) Shellz needs to change her username to Shellz Bellz
10) Martinez needs to put the sombrero on in practice again
11) Carcillo, Nolan,and Fraser need Mohawks. Dwight King should grow one too but he is follically challenged.
12) I get to have sex with all the ice girls.
who's with me?