Question for you jersey experts. Today is my father's birthday. He works at a special needs school and one of his student's dad works for MSG. For his birthday the student got my dad a signed Lundqvist jersey. Do real authentic come with the fighter strap? The tag says size 54 with CCM. It also is made in Canada rather than Indonesia.
Anyone know where I can find this exact jacket MSL is wearing in the video?
I've found like 5 different versions of it but not that exact one.
Anyone know where I can find this exact jacket MSL is wearing in the video?
I've found like 5 different versions of it but not that exact one.
Probably something only team issued, like a warm up/work out suit. I've seen team issued/used LA Kings sneakers and athletic sandals on ebay before.
Maybe Steinersports could look into getting one that is not player worn, thus not a collector piece that would come with an astronomical price tag?
Probably something only team issued, like a warm up/work out suit. I've seen team issued/used LA Kings sneakers and athletic sandals on ebay before.
Maybe Steinersports could look into getting one that is not player worn, thus not a collector piece that would come with an astronomical price tag?
Question for you jersey experts. Today is my father's birthday. He works at a special needs school and one of his student's dad works for MSG. For his birthday the student got my dad a signed Lundqvist jersey. Do real authentic come with the fighter strap? The tag says size 54 with CCM. It also is made in Canada rather than Indonesia.
Yep, that's the closest I found also.
Possibly, maybe I'll contact them if I can't find it at the MSG team store.
On that note, little tip for those that may not know. Dating back to last season, they've had people from Kia asking you to sign up for something in the lobby before games. In exchange, you get a $10 team store voucher that you can combine with others. Needless to say, you can get some pretty cheap stuff. Picked up a $60 MSL jersey last year when I used em with the STH discount and picked up a $50 Hank jersey this season. Only thing is with the vouchers this year, they expired at the end of each month so I guess they caught on to what was happening.
I know MSG's customization isn't 100% correct (it got worse recently, they stopped using nameplates on the jerseys for the latest shipment) but you can't beat those prices.
How many of those vouchers did you use? And what exactly do you have to sign up for?
A pic would be helpful for me to be 100% on this but it sounds like an authentic EDGE 2.0 jersey. They come with the fight strap, are made in Canada and have numeric vs. alpha (S, M, L, XL, etc.) sizing.
Here's one picture. I always have trouble uploading pictures on here
Here's one picture. I always have trouble uploading pictures on here
Can someone give me some guidance here. My sister and bro-in-law are having a little boy in February. I know I am up against the clock here but I wanted to customize a Rangers jersey (as small as possible while keeping the lettering as authentic as possible). I am having a tough time finding any on-line resources for this.
NHL Store? Gerry Cosbys?
Thanks in advance.
Quick question. I tried looking through past threads but I got lost/confused. Rough work week I guess.
I want a jersey with the legit stitching, but I'm not looking for an actual authentic (fight strap and all that). So basically what's my best bet?
Buy a jersey and bring it to Cosbys? Buy it all there?
I've also seen a lot about a place Arena Express and a website called Are they legit?
If someone could just give me a general rundown or gameplan (where to buy a jersey/what type, where to bring it for lettering and numbering, etc.), I'd truly appreciate it. Don't mistake my ignorance for laziness, I'm just confused. Thanks in advance.
Quick question. I tried looking through past threads but I got lost/confused. Rough work week I guess.
I want a jersey with the legit stitching, but I'm not looking for an actual authentic (fight strap and all that). So basically what's my best bet?
Buy a jersey and bring it to Cosbys? Buy it all there?
I've also seen a lot about a place Arena Express and a website called Are they legit?
If someone could just give me a general rundown or gameplan (where to buy a jersey/what type, where to bring it for lettering and numbering, etc.), I'd truly appreciate it. Don't mistake my ignorance for laziness, I'm just confused. Thanks in advance.
Don't bring any jersey to cosbys that isn't a 90's customization. They don't use nameplates for the name customization, they stitch individually.
Send it to Arena Wear (
They are the official customizer for the team, and will do your jersey to the exact specs that they do for all the players.
I actually asked the guy at Cosby's about that. They said they do it both ways and the only reason they stock jerseys without the nameplate is because enough people want it that way. I have two friends that had a Outdoor game jersey and heritage customized there and they came out really good.
As far as the arched lettering goes, most places get them from as kits. They will sell to a consumer, but you have to register first.
The nameplate is an extra 10 bucks, you just have to ask. Most fans dont want it.
Don't arena wear do the jerseys the actual players wear too?
Mine is perfect from there, I hate seeing bad jersey lettering... Ive noticed a load of bad stadium series popping up recently.
Look at this man
... And this...
Makes me want to cry.