Show Me What You Got!
I was with you up until the "make fools of people" thing. Zacha and Severson's situations are not analagous in any way. Severson isn't playing for a place on the team, he knows where he stands. Zacha better be trying to make fools of people if he wants to be on this team, as he's indicated.
The overall point of not being able to make the team here is correct, but making an impression never hurts.
Wasn't meant to be a 1:1 comparison. More about a player that was clearly more talented then everyone else not making it a one man show.
Anyway from what I read he did good. Especially for what I want to hear and see. He was doing the little things right. That's the stuff i want to know about.
I know he has a second gear, is big, and has a nasty shot. I wanted to see battling on boards, showing some vision. Being responsible getting back. The accounts sound like he showed just that.
I think we also agree we need a bigger sample size before any conclusions can be made. Eespeically since this short camp was just about learning skills. The big club's system wasn't in place.
See how he does with the team during a longer camp inside an actual system and a few live preseason games.
That will tell us a lot of where he is at.