Thanks for the info in both posts. Im very casual baseball fan, and that basically only Blue Jays so I dont know much about newer guys.
Biggio isnt really an OF though right? Like he is an infielder that fills in in a pinch. And maybe Im completely off base but Gurriel has been great since his move to LF a year or two ago to me. Seems to have a big arm, havent seen him make many mistakes. Springer obviously brings more bat than Zimmer, but he hasnt looked good o or d to me. Again minisicule sample size to an uneducated fan so what the hell do i know. Tapia looks like a worse version of Jonathan Davis to me (lanky, speedy, not much bat). Except Tapia hits on the ground, Davis often up high in the air.
Also isnt this Katoh's MLB debut as a starter? Good for him.